Мурманская МИЛЯ. 2018 г. №4.

EXPLORATIONS this the role of geophysical methods, es­ pecially of modern seismic HD data with deeply studied section of sedimentary cover highly increases. In 2005-2014 the data on sheets R-(35), 36 - Murmansk; R-37, 38 - Cape Svyatoy Nos, Cape Kanin Nos; R -4 1 - Amderma; Q -(35),36 - Kirovsk; Q-37 - Arkhangelsk; Q-38 - Mezen, R-39, 40 - Kolguyev Island - the Kara Strait, S-(36), 37 - the Barents Sea (west., centr. parts); S-51, 52 - Oleneksky Bay, the Lena Delta (sheet S-50 - Ust-Ole- nek approved for publishing, published in 2017), were prepared by MAGE along with VSEGEI and VNIIOkeangeologia (Fig. 1). In these sets integrating the survey data over the preceding 10 -12 years seismic survey data generally based on the updated geological data gave a current appraisal of mineral resources: oil, gas and gas conden­ sate - on the shelf; coal, polymetal (copper, zink, lead), manganese, uranium, gold, dia­ monds, phosphate rocks, fluorite and other solid minerals. Nevertheless the informative­ ness of State Geological Map sheets on cer­ tain areas is strikingly different due to the different state of shelf exploration. In 2015 -2016 MAGE along with VNIIOkeangeologia prepared for the pub­ lication the sets of maps at a scale of 1:1,000,000 of the third generation on sheets S -53-54 - Stolbovoy Island, the Lyakhovsky Islands ; S-38 - the Barents Sea (eastern part). New data obtained in the Laptev Sea al­ lowed for a fuller specification of the geo­ logical structure of the shelf part on sheets S -53-54 compared to the New Series maps published earlier (1999). According to the CMP seismic data with the use of regional lines obtained earlier the structural maps on the plate cover bottom boundary, Cre­ taceous deposits roof and unconformity surface in the mid Miocene, which became the basis for tectonic and geological oil and gas zonation as well as quantitative estimate potential oil and gas resources have been created. The boundaries of mapped units Fig. 1. The scheme of Gosgeolkarta - 1000 sheets created by JSC MAGE (with the participation of VNIIOkeangeologia and VSEGEI). 1-3 - the sheets of the RF State Geological M ap at a scale of 1: 1,000,000 (published and approved for publication): 1- published new series sheets, approved by the Council of Science Editors (C SE )/the year of publication, 2- published third generation sheets, approved by CSE /the year of publication, 3 - third generation sheets, approved for publication, approval year; 4 -5 - creation and preparation for publication of the RF State Geological M ap sheets at a scale of 1:1,000,000 (third generation): 4 - creation of G osgeolkarta-1000/3 set (third stage), 5 - creation of G osgeolkarta-1000/3 set (1 -3 stages). Рис. 1. Схема расположения листов Госгеолкарты - 1000 , созданных ОАО «МАГЭ» (при уча­ стии ВНИИОкеангеология и ВСЕГЕИ). 1-3 - листы Государственной геологической карты РФ масш таба 1: 1 000 000 (изданные и утвержденные к изданию): 1- листы новой серии изданные, год утверждения Н Р С /год издания, 2- листы третьего поколения изданные, год утверждения Н Р С /год издания, 3 - листы третьего поколения, утвержденные к изданию, год утверждения; 4 -5 -со зд ан и е и подготовка к изданию листов государ­ ственной геологической карты РФ масш таба 1:1 000 000 (третье поколение): 4- создание комплекта Госгеокарты 1 0 0 0 /3 (третий этап), 5 - создание комплекта Госгеолкарты 1 0 0 0 /3 (1 -3 этапы). MURMANSK MILE • 4-2018