Мурманская МИЛЯ. 2018 г. №4.

EXPLORATIONS G E O L O G IC A L M A P P IN G O F TH E RU S S IAN A R C T IC SHELF RECENT EXPLORATION RESULTS AND PROSPECTS SHKARUBO S.I., ZHURAVLEV V.A., RADCHENKO M.S., NEUPOKOYEVA A.A., BURGUTO A.G., RUDENKO A.A., PROKONINA M.V. (JSC MARINE ARCTIC GEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION) The conceptual basis of the shelf geo­ logical survey was formed in 1970s by the VSEGEI and VNIIOkeangeologia scientists. It was implemented within the first Program for Geological Mapping of the Russian Con­ tinental Shelf for 1978 - 1990 and further up to 2000. Since 1980 till 1992 based on that program MAGE had performed SGS at a scale of 1:1,000,000 in the south of the Barents and Kara seas. At that stage the shelf geological survey objective included exploration of the bottom and Quaternary deposits all the way through their thickness, exploration of modern and buried relief, consistence and structure of sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary sequences and basement formations, embedded immedi­ ately beneath the Quaternary deposits. The specified objectives were being solved by means of seismic and seismoacoustic profil­ ing, echo sounding, magnetometer survey­ ing, bottom sampling, subsea photography applying gravity, airborne magnetic survey and drilling data. In the late 80s the shelf geological survey objectives were supple­ mented with the ecological status assess­ ment of geological environment and bottom biotic communities and integrated field ex­ ploration - with biological dredging. Over the 10-12 year period by 1992 small-scale geological mapping in the Barents and Kara seas covered the area of nearly 450 thou­ sand sq.km [Lopatin et al., 1999]. In 1987 based on the shelf geological survey data MAGE PGA Sevmorgeologiya published the first pilot set of geological maps at a scale of 1:1,000,000 for the Kola shelf (sheet R-37) supplied with the explan­ atory note. That sheet became the ante­ cedent of the State Geological Map Sheet. However several years passed before the ‘new series’ State Geological Map of the continental shelf at a scale of 1:1,000,000 (Gosgeolkarta-1000) was prepared. The first sheet R -(35)-37 (Murmansk) at a scale of 1:1,000,000 including the Kola shelf vast area was compiled by MAGE, Central Kola Geological Expedition and VNIIOkeangeolo- gia in the period from 1993 to 1996. Being prepared as a paper proprietary model it was published only in 2000. Sheets S-53-55 (1999), S-50-52 (2001) were also the products of pregeoinforma- tional technologies era compiled by VNI- IOkeangeologia and Aerogeophysica. Since 1999 till 2005 through there were published the data for ‘new series’ sheets S -38-40 - Matochkin Shar; S-(36), 37 - the Barents Sea; R-38-40 -Kolgueyv Island; S -41-43 -Bely Island; T-37-40 - Franz Jozef Land (southern islands); T -41-44 - Cape Zhelaniya. Compiled using GIS technology by that time the sheets were based on the data of 1980s and 1990s. With minimum scope of surveying by seismoacoustic pro­ filing and bottom sampling they didn’t fully correspond with series legends still being developed. Database for those sheets was not created or was presented in the shape of minimum [Kazanin et al., 2007]. Creation of complete sets of the third generation Gosgeolkarta-1000 in the Bar­ ents - Kara region actually started with the indication of exploration areas in the sheets of R-column, covering adjacent areas of the shelf and mainland. The preparation of Gos- geolkarta -1000 /3 sets on the continental shelf is substantially different in method and technology from the same work onshore. There is a significant difference between the land maps of the third generation, the se­ cond and the first generation land maps for certain areas. As far as the third generation land maps integrate the data of surveying scale 1:200,000 creation of shelf maps is methodologically based on the combination of geological and geophysical surveys of different scales. The peculiarities of shelf geological map­ ping arise from irregular and generally less geological and geophysical state of explora­ tion compared to land mapping as well as from reference to blind generally platform areas with multilayer structure. In view of MURMANSK MILE • 4-2018