Мурманская МИЛЯ. 2018 г. №4.
CLOSE-UP A relatively new kind of services provided by our Company is a technological control of field work or supervising performed by the Company since 2013. This is about a quality control of acquired seismic and navigational data and also the control of research vessel compliance with HSE requirements on a 24- hour basis. Two offices of the Company - in Murmansk and Moscow - provide guidance and methodological support of specialists. In the course of operations, daily reports are sent to a customer, and a final report is sub mitted upon completion. Another new activity of MAGE is the in tegrated offshore vessel service for oil and gas projects. The first such project was car ried out by our Company in 2016, in one of the most promising oil-producing regions - in the Russian Far East. - Do exactly the new activities enable you to keep a leading position in the in dustry over the years or anything else? - I must confess that it is not easy to lead in our industry. Geophysical services are the extremely complicated business. To achieve financial stability it is necessary to continu ously increase the production profitability which can be done in two ways: either in crease in the number of orders or annual expansion of survey methods. Above all, it is 2D-3D seismic surveys including land seis mic and seismic in transit zone, magneto meter and gravity observations, engineering surveys, mentioned above, high resolution and ultra-high resolution seismic surveys, borehole drilling, bathymetric survey, con 10 tinuous seismoacoustic profiling and many other techniques. It should be also noted that we regular ly modernize our research vessels in accor dance with modern requirements and also upgrade software and hardware of the on shore processing center. For instance, we have conducted a full re-equipment of the RV GEOFIZIK. Now, the vessel can perform the full range of geological and geophysical opera tions for engineering and geological surveys. - There are many foreign companies among the MAGE partners. Could you, p lease, tell us a little bit about foreign re lations of the Expedition? - Researches of MAGE go far be yond our northern water areas. They are well-known in the country and abroad and brought a wide recognition and well- earned authority to the Company staff. In early 1991, MAGE jointly with the Norwegian company Geoteam entered the international market of geophysical services with 2D seismic works. At that time, many oil and gas champions: Shells, Mobil, Nopek, Statoil, British Petroleum, Texaco, Norsk Hydro and others became our customers. Surveys were performed off the coasts of Norway, Ireland, Scotland, the Netherlands, Denmark, the UK, Nigeria, Morocco, near the Canary and Faeroes Islands, on the shelf of Canada, India. Today, MAGE is actively working across the globe and fulfilling orders for leading domestic and foreign companies. In 2015 - 2016 we conducted multiclient seismic survey in the Celtic Sea, on the continen tal shelf of Ireland, in the Gulf of Mexico. I have no false modesty to say that our au thority in the world is rather high; therefore, sometimes we compete intensely with many western companies. - In conclusion, I would like to talk about the future of MAGE. - Currently, MAGE can carry out sur veys on the most modern research level. From year to year we confirmed the high level we achieved, increased development rates, performed modernization, thereby increasing both labor productivity and the quality of rendered services. As a leader, I believe that our Company will be flourish ing and commercially successful in future. Anyway, the Company has every ground for it. And it means that there is confidence in future. MURMANSK MILE • 4-2018
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