Мурманская миля. 2016, № 3.
WITHOUT POLITICS technological component of data acquisition and processing, fo r that purpose we had to conduct a very significant modernization and expansion of our computing powers. All of this gives grounds to be sure in high-quality performance of tasks set before the Company.” WE WENT ACROSS THE NORTH POLE WITH A STREAMER “ The re a re a lo t o f a ch ie vem en ts on th e a c cou n t o f th e Com pany b u t all th e same , JSC MAGE p ra c tic a l w o rk in th e A rc tic zone a rouse s th e m o s t in te re s t o f s p e c ia lis ts . Could you dwe ll upon it w ith c o n c re te fig u re s and g e o g ra p h y ? ” “ Main areas of our studies are concentra ted on the A rctic Shelf including the central deep water part. Field works were carried out in the Barents and Kara Seas, the Laptev Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk. First 1500 LKM of the integrated works were performed in the central deep water part of the Eurasian Basin of the A rctic Ocean in order to evaluate hydrocarbon p rospects of seashore trou gh s .” “To date, JSC MAGE has performed 608,262.8 LKM (including 1,121 LKM - transition zone, 528 LKM - land) of integrated seismic surveys on the Russian Shelf.” “ U nde r th e a u sp ice s o f th e M in is try o f Na tu ra l R esources o f th e Russian Fede ra tion and ROSNEDRA, one c o n d u c te d th e A rc tic 2 0 1 4 h ig h -la titu d e e x p e d itio n , w he re JSC MAGE p e rfo rm e d se ism ic w o rks . S tud y da ta un iquene ss is d e fin e d n o t o n ly by th e ir s ca le and u np re ce d e n te d c om p le x ity b u t it is a lso d e fin e d by th e fa c t th a t th e se ism ic in th e s e la titu d e s was co n d u c te d fo r th e fir s t tim e . Could you dwe ll on th is un ique e x p e d itio n s e p a ra te ly ? ” “Aboard the research vessel Akademik Fedorov convoyed by the atom ic icebreaker Yamal, in summer of 2014, MAGE succeeded in completing seism ic investigations in the A rctic.” “We began working just east of the Frantz Josef Land (the scheme of our studies can be seen on the map). We passed the Gakkel Submerged Ridge then we stopped. The ice turned out quite strong. Having made about one thousand kilometers, we turned into another region. As ice drifts, one can seize the right moment when a work space will become free. By mid- August, we encountered heavy ice and moved northwards along the Lomonosov Ridge. As the ice allowed, we went further. By 15 August, the Expedition reached the North Pole, came back to the interrupted line from the other side and completed it due to the fact that the ice was easy fo r work. Seismic prospecting in ice was attended with large difficulties. In different places ice drift speed varied from 2 0 0 to 600 meters per hour. A major part of works took place in ice with concentration of 9/10ths to 10/10ths, sometimes ice thickness was up to 160 cm. On some lines there was a second-year ice with thickness of up to 240 cm and hummocks of up to 4 m. In many cases at first the icebreaker Yamal made a shipway fo r itself, and after that the icebreaker returned and cut way for the RV Akademik Fedorov. Nevertheless, we fulfilled and overfulfilled the sailing direction. We completed approximately 9,000 linear kilometers of seism ic works and about 1 0 , 0 0 0 kilometers of navigational support, bathymetric survey of the sea- floor relief and shipboard gravity measurements. MURMANSK MILE • 3-2016
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