Мурманская миля. 2016, № 3.
ONBOARD THE RESEARCH VESSEL 58 WHEN NEPTUNE FORCED THE DOORS And the following day it began! I had told you already, that while shooting the line the air guns astern shot every 1 0 seconds. The less the depth under the NALIVKIN, the more perceived the growl inside the vessel. During those two months I being in the surveying campaign fo r the first time, learned to define the sea depth according to the sound of the signal reflected from the ocean bottom. At the depth of 2,000 meters for instance (we passed those depth in the Laptev Sea two weeks later) it seemed that Neptune delicately extracted a cork from a bottle of champagne. The sound of a blow is mellow like from a cork bumping the ceiling. But at the depth of 10 - 15 meters (as it was in the Gulf of Ob) it seemed as Neptune drunk as a fish forced the doors with a log. The bulkheads vacillated and groaned. What a hell it gave us that transition zone! But everyone onboard realized that those were the last blows of two month struggle in “the Kara Bulge” . The trawler ANGRAPA chartered by MAGE with the scientific personnel change was running free from Kola Bay, and many of the observers onboard the NALIVKIN were at home in their dreams. Among those who would leave fo r Murmansk with terabytes of information, recorded at two hundred of portable HD discs fo r analysis in onshore labs, was Aleksey Khodnevich, a young Deputy Party Chief. He was recognized the best rationalizer and rewarded the brand glasses. It’s interesting that long ago three year old Aleksey arrived to Murmansk simultaneously with the new built vessel GEOLOG DMITRIY NALIVKIN in 1985. His father was transferred to the north of the Arctic Circle from Karelia fo r military service. The m e d ium fis h in g tr a w le r ANGRAPA c o m in g a lo n g s id e th e RV NALIVK IN . 3 0 th S e p te m b e r 2 0 1 4 . К б о р т у «Н алив кина» ш в а р т у е т с я СРТ «Ан грапа». 3 0 с е н т я б р я 2 0 1 4 г. Having graduated from the State Technical University with a degree in mining engineering, Aleksey worked as an excavator operator in a quarry of Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company in the Pechenga Area, then as an oil production operator on Kolguev Island. It meant that he had already took the smell of the arctic oil searched by the NALIVKIN. “The Oil there is of very high quality, fair and greenish. Its smell is different too, reminds of diethyl e t h e r . ” And in 2007 his school mate, a navigator onboard the NALIVKIN advised Aleksey that he should try to get a job in MAGE. “When I came to Gagik Asryan, Deputy General Director fo r Legal Issues and HR, he looked through my papers, then stared into my eyes (there are kind legends in MAGE about his penetrating look - AUTHOR’S NOTE) and sent me onboard the research vessel PROFESSOR KURENTSOV as a seismic operator assistant. The first MURMANSK MILE • 3-2016
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