Мурманская миля. 2016, № 3.
A n d re y RYABCHUK И ван СНЕТКО А н д р е й РЯБЧУК и М а к с и м Ф А БИЖ Е ВС КИЙ 54 basis and Anton was responsible fo r the communications with customers. “Customer onboard is oriented on violations detection,” - explained to me the expert of maritime ‘diplomacy’ , who had been the Chief mate onboard research vessels back in the day, “ but you are right, these foreigners marked high competence and favorable atmosphere onboard the NALIVKIN. They first fe lt it in late August, when our craft put them from the DUNAY to the NALIVKIN.” THE LAST INCH 26 September 2014 turned out so remarkable that it’s worth of being described minutely. At 5:15 a.m. Moscow time there remained to pass the rest 1 0 km of the last line to shoot in accordance with the order of KARMORNEFTEGAZ. The rest of the work could take us an hour and a half. There was second mate, Andrey Ryabchuk and quartermaster Aleksandr Lebedev on the bridge. The vessel moved to the west towards Novaya Zemlya which was 20 miles far. There could have been seen Cape Krasheninnikov and Basov Bay in fine weather, but that day the sky was hard and there was a damp haze ahead. The wind was 7 m per second, the temperature - 5 Celsius degrees above zero and the sea force three. We towed the streamer at the speed of 4.5 kt, and the air guns shot astern every 25 meters. The watch - crew change on the bridge took place at 6 a.m. sharp. The rest kilometers of the line Chief Mate Vadim Guschin and seaman Anatoly Kononenko, the student of the Murmansk State Technical University who was at practical training onboard the NALIVKIN would keep the vessel perfectly straight. At 5:34 a.m. electronics engineer Dmitry Nesterenko, keeping the watch next to the bridge in the navigational lab, told me, that it was only 7.5 km left. Dmitry was prosily writing a supply request for the next surveying season regarding the results of the voyage: cables, connectors for equipment. The end of works offshore mean the start of paperwork, I’d rather call it PC-based work, because Dmitry would send it to the MAGE head office in Murmansk in the E-format. Besides, Chief Mate had caught the start of KOSMOS - 904 in April 1977 too, but he d idn ’t remember it because he had been just 6 months from birth and lying in the cradle he gratified the fam ily of a mechanic of MURMANRYBPROM and a nurse of SEVRYBA medical branch. A n a to ly KONONENKO А н а т о л и й КОНОНЕНКО MURMANSK MILE • 3-2016
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