Мурманская миля. 2016, № 3.
ONBOARD THE RESEARCH VESSEL A rty om ARLASHIN А р т е м АРЛАШ ИН mg Wi ; it V S bm 'h J> Щ f Щ & ■ , » ■ 46 A n d re y FILKIN, A rty om ARLASHIN, and A rty om BADYSHEV w ith a 5 0 km s e c tio n А н д р е й Ф И Л Ь КИ Н , А р тем АРЛАШИН и А р тем БАДЫШ ЕВ с р а з р е з о м д л и н о й 5 0 км “Do you visit you hometown?” “Of course! You will laugh but in 1980 I stayed in Murmansk purposefully in order to earn money fo r buying a cow! Now I can afford to buy a cow but my relatives in Nikolsk do not keep cows a n y m o re .” Aleksandr Derbin as my cabin mate was the first person who saw lots of the photos I had made during the voyage. As a present to his birthday, which he celebrated already in Murmansk, I made a large-size printed landscape picture (which he liked most of all) depicting the RV GEOLOG DMITRIY NALIVKIN in the ice of the Vilkitsky Strait during the passage from the Kara Sea to the Laptev Sea. “ WHY MAGE? IT IS CATCHY!” Celebration of birthdays onboard the NALIVKIN has been worked out to the last detail. It is short, fleet-style scheduled, and mannishly minimal. At the galley women bake a birthday cake and a celebratory poster is put up with an indispensable photo of the hero of the day at the announcement board nearby the crew ’s dayroom. Five days after the Chief Engineer’s birthday Viktor Vatalin, the Master’s Mate for Radio Electronics (his position used to be called ‘ Radio O fficer’ earlier), came up to me. In my understanding, in addition to other duties Mr. Vatalin was also the onboard voluntary assistant and is in charge fo r the onboard color printer. “Do you happen to have a good picture of Artyom Arlashin? I have not found it in my photo files but it is his birthday to m o r ro w .” I had some work photos of the young observer geophysicist but I had not yet taken a decent picture of him suiting fo r making a separate large photo of him. You would agree with me that MURMANSK MILE • 3-2016
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