Мурманская миля. 2016, № 3.
ONBOARD THE RESEARCH VESSEL SERGEI NECHKHAEV A MEMORABLE VOYAGE Interview by Svetlana KOVALEVSKAYA Photos by the interviewer and provided by the JSC MAGE archives office Sergei Nechkhaev, the Chief of the Seasonal Shallow Seismic Group, has worked in MAGE since January 1980. Earlier he worked in the Baltic Marine Geological Expedition. He started his career as a geophysicist carrying seismic survey. By the year when MAGE received the new research vessel GEOLOG DMITRIY NALIVKIN, Mr. Nechkhaev had worked as a Team Leader. He recalls the first test voyage on board the new vessel with a smile. He cannot help but smiling as the outcome turned out to be funny indeed. 36 “When we received the new vessel, which was built in Finland, MAGE was a member of the Sevmorgeologiya Association that was why the resolution on the first test voyage was signed in Leningrad,” Mr. Nechkhaev says. “ It lasted 42 days like the vacation period fo r the people living in the Far North in those years. It was spring. We were heading to the Atlantic Ocean to the Canary Islands area and had an important task: we had to test the applicability of the NALIVKIN in terms of our work and, above all, test all the technological deck equipment in order to replace it under the warranty in Finland if it would be required.” “ How s tr ic t are th e re q u irem e n ts a pp lie d to resea rch ve s se ls? ” “One of the important issues in geophysical operations is a round trip. All our devices involved in geological and geophysical operations are run to the water from the vessel board. A bucket is run by means of a wire and winches fo r taking some technological or bottom samples; or a geological tube is run to the depth of 5-6 thousand meters. That is why it is very important MURMANSK MILE • 3-2016
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