Мурманская миля. 2016, № 3.

EXPLORATIONS HIGH RESOLUTION SEISMIC - A NEW STEP FORWARD WHEN INVESTIGATING GEOLOGICAL HAZARDS IVANOV G.I., KAZANIN A.G., SARKISYAN M.V., LANTSEV V.V., NEKRYLOV N.T., IONOV V.YU ., PAVLOV S.P., MAKAROV E.S. Geotechnical survey work is important and newish for the Company. At present time, JSC MAGE performs a full range of engineering surveys including high-resolution seismic surveys; ultra-high resolution acoustic surveys; bathymetric survey; magnetic measurements; side-scan sonar; cone penetration sampling, bottom sampling, shallow borehole drilling (with ground depth of 50 m at depths of 300 m); examination of objects with ROVs; geodesy; litho-dynamics, hydrometereology; ecological investigations; monitoring of currents, wave levels, tidal effects, ice thickness, etc. However, it is necessary to note that along with standard study methods (drilling, sampling, high-frequency geoacoustics), the innovation technologies for performance of high-resolution seismic works and ultra-high resolution acoustic surveys have been exploited for the first time. These technologies are used for detailed partition of the upper section part in order to detect gas “ lenses” and gas-hydrate deposits. In the time of “ import substitution” , it requires to note that when conducting these studies, one employs domestic equipment along with import technical facilities. F ig .1 . Example o f h ig h -re s o lu tio n se ism ic re c o rd in g w ith a gas lens. Р и с .1 . О бра зец з а п и с и с е й см и к и вы с о ко го р а зр еш ени я с га зо во й л и н зо й . MURMANSK MILE • 3-2016