Мурманская миля. 2016, № 3.

EXPLORATIONS Fig. 5. A u tonom ou s ocean b o ttom 4C a cqu is itio n sy s tem OBX G eospace . Р и с .5 . С истем а а в тоном ной д о н н о й 4 -х ком п он е н тно й р е ги с тр а ц и и OBX G eospace . 22 HIGH RESOLUTION SEISMIC Geotechnical survey work is important and newish fo r the Company. At present time, JSC MAGE performs a full range of engineering surveys but puts a focus on geophysical survey performance with the use of innovative technology. Along with the standard methods (drilling, sampling, high frequency geoacoustics) high resolution and ultra-high resolution seism ic are highly informative regarding technical drilling risks identification. High resolution seismic is applied fo r the detailed partition of the upper part of a section (up to 800 m) in order to detect gas lenses and gas-hydrate accumulations, the timely detection of which is a relevant objective of hydrocarbon field development. Excess pore pressure arising in such gas pockets presents reasonable risks while well site constructing and arrangement of sub-sea facilities. The key fea tu re o f these reco rd ing system s is a reduced geophone g roup interval (6.25 and 3.125 m) tha t allows reasonable increase the detail of geo log ic c ro ss -section study and de te rm ine shallow gas and near su rface gas accum u la tions in pa rticu la r ( F ig . 6 ). It is equally important that the receiver should have a solid and environmentally-friendly outboard configuration. This technology was first put into use by our company on the Shtokman field. The surveys have revealed that sites of potential drilling hazards are identified, mapped in plan and ranked with respect to exposure at different depths. The findings correlate with the paleogeographic interpretations of the area which can be used as the base fo r the construction of a geological model of the section’s upper part. The information on the location of hazardous facilities is a critical factor in production wells arrangement when planning field development (Fig. 7). Following the techniques described above, scientific papers have been edited and published. All these geological discoveries and technical solutions are the product of painstaking work by the team of MAGE, each of 530 individuals. F ig . 6 . R e c e iv in g d e v ic e s f o r h ig h re s o lu tio n and u ltr a - h ig h re s o lu tio n s e ism ic . Р и с . 6 . П рием ны е у с тр о й с т в а для с е й см о р а з в е д ки вы с о ко го и ул ь тра вы со ко го р а зреш ения . MURMANSK MILE • 3-2016