Мурманская миля. 2016, № 3.
EXPLORATIONS THE ARCTIC SHELF RESEARCH 2014 KAZANIN G.S., IVANOV G.I., ZAYATS I.V., KAZANIN A.G., NECHKHAEV S.A., SHKARUBO S.I., PAVLOV S.P. In recent years, MAGE has made some progress in the Arctic offshore oil and gas exploration through innovative technology. It includes the sub-ice seismic first of all, multicomponent seismic in transition zones and high-resolution seismic as well. SUB-ICE SEISMIC TECHNOLOGY The sub-ice technology developed by our Company is based on the use of an ice guard (IG), which allows outboard seism ic equipment towing in fields of different ice concentration. IG is mounted astern and designed as a streamlined column with an internal sidewall shaped recess fo r running and securing tow and clamp cables. The internal zone is divided longwise into three ducts which are intended fo r placing tow and air guns clamp cables and the streamer as well as for fixing of reserve tow and/or clamp cables, which are not in service. Figure 1 provides an image of the equipment placement onboard the Akademik Fedorov vessel. The dimensions of the device are as follows: height of 17.5 m, bottom width of 6.5 m. Total weight: 10 tons. There has been taken out a patent fo r the ice guard. A distinctive feature of this project was the fact it was put into production at once and was used fo r a government contract “The Arctic 2014” as a part of the program of external border F ig .1 . IG a s te rn th e A ka dem ik Fedorov vessel. Р и с .1 . В ид л е довой защ и ты на ко рм е НЭС «А кадем и к Ф едоров» . MURMANSK MILE • 3-2016
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