Мурманская миля. 2016, № 3.

EXPLORATIONS GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE AND HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL OF THE NORTH BARENTS SEA AREA KAZANIN G.S., SHLYKOVA V.V., VELICHKO B.M., IVANOV G.I., PAVLOV S.P., VASILYEV V.V., KIRILLOVA-POKROVSKAYA T.A. At the present time, a regional geological study stage of the northern Barents Sea area has been practically completed. The density of seismic operations within this area is more than 0.2 LKM/km2. Fig.1 The N o rth B a ren ts Sea a rea s tu d ie d b e fo re 2009 . Р и с .1 . И зученность се вер ной части Баренцева м оря д о 2 0 0 9 года . 12 For the past 20 years, JSC Marine A rctic Geological Expe­ dition has systematically and comprehensively carried out a large scope o f geological p ros­ pecting works in the northern Barents Sea area by the o r­ der o f the Federal Subsoil Re­ sources Management Agency (Rosnedra) o f the M inistry of Natural Resources of the Rus­ sian Federation with the use of the latest advanced techno lo ­ gies. If before 2004, all water area in the northern Barents Sea part had been covered by relatively rare survey grid that was characteristic fo r recon- MURMANSK MILE • 3-2016