Мурманская миля. 2016, № 3.

Obviously, it was in no small part the reputation of world famous research scientists that helped the company to survive. Discretion provided an opportunity to choose most valuable partners, while state- owned companies were assigned a list of clients according to certain strategic priorities. As a result, MAGE managed to establish a mutually beneficial partnership at will. “ Privatization offered MAGE great financial advantages over its state-owned rivals,” - thinks Gennady. “The financial strategy is defined by the Board of Directors and General Director, so the company keeps a high level of flexibility when making decisions, including personnel. We seek to employ the best professionals fo r our company. This is very important to make MAGE more competitive in the industry where development is all that matters, I believe.” MAGE IS AN INTERNATIONAL BRAND Since the early 21st century, MAGE has launched vigorous foreign economic activities. For example, in 2 0 0 2 , the company- owned RV GEOLOG DMITRIY NALIVKIN together with Westland GeoProjects, a well-known British company, carried out a seismic exploration survey of the Libyan offshore in the Mediterranean Sea; in the North Sea and the Barents Sea. The RV PROFESSOR KURENTSOV and its overseas associates operated in such exotic countries, as the delta of the Nile and the Niger, the Canary and Faroe Islands. Everywhere overseas partners mentioned the high-level professionalism of MAGE’s Russian scientists. Over time, the abbreviation came to be recognized as an international brand. In 2000 - 2008, there were studied the following shelf seas areas of the Russian Arctic: the Barents Sea, the Kara Sea, and the Laptev Sea. The data on the geology of the offshore areas allowed us to identify more than 50 new petroleum accumulations and evaluate estimated hydrocarbon resources. Based on the seismic survey, the presence was established of thick, structurally isolated oil and gas sedimentary basins in the Kandalaksha sector and the Voronka of the White Sea. From 2004 to 2012, MAGE completed a 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 lkm regional geophysical survey commissioned by the Government of Russia, including 2D CMP reflection survey, refraction survey, and differential marine magnetic and surface gravity surveys. The company’s research facilities were becoming more sophisticated. S tate-of-the-art digital hardware dramatically increased the scope of seism ic survey. It is important that the specialists managed to significantly improve the quality of data acquired. Yet, operations at sea are just the first step of scientific investigations. The next one is onshore processing of the data. While the data processing centers operated by MAGE have adopted latest technology, one cannot do w ithout an experienced processing geophysicist, seismic interpreter, and analyst. It is MAGE’s top grade specialists who facilitate every area of research. Apart from Rosnedra, the principal customer, some oil and gas companies come along imposing even stricter requirements fo r capacities and data quality. In 2006, MAGE’s contributors received a science and technology award from the Russian Government for the development, feasibility study, and implementation of advanced technology to build an environmental and geophysical framework fo r subsoil use of the Russian Western Arctic shelf. Nowadays MAGE operates vigorously across the globe. Fitted with up-to-date navigation and geophysical equipment, the GEOLOG DMITRIY NALIVKIN, the PROFESSOR KURENTSOV, the GEOFIZIK, and the NIKOLAY TRUBYATCHINSKY successfully work with Rosneft and Gazprom as well as Rosnedra on a contractual basis. MAGE provides now a broader scope of activities, which includes 2D/3D seismic data acquisition, specifically in transition zone and on land; shipboard magnetometer survey and gravity measurements; geological engineering survey; high- and ultra high-resolution seismic acquisition; borehole drilling; bathymetry survey; continuous seismoacoustic profiling, and many others. So, MAGE can be rightfully proud not only of its history and traditions, but also of deploying the latest technologies that deliver new business value. MURMANSK MILE • 3-2016