Арктика 2035: актуальные вопросы, проблемы, решения. 2021, №3.

— компенсации части затрат по охране оленьих стад от хищ­ ных зверей; — компенсации части за­ трат на обновление основных средств, в том числе на созда­ ние высокотехнологичных убой­ ных пунктов и предприятий по комплексной переработке про­ дукции оленеводства и на стро­ ительство коралей; — субсидий на развитие и мо­ дернизацию инфраструктуры в местах традиционного прожива­ ния и традиционной хозяйствен­ ной деятельности коренных ма­ лочисленных народов Севера, а также представителей других эт­ нических общностей, прожива­ ющих на территории Республи­ ки Коми, в том числе на развитие факторий; — компенсации части затрат на мероприятия по проведению землеустроительных работ на оленьих пастбищах; — субсидий на поддержку племенного оленеводства. [22] economic activities of the indigenous peoples of the North” URL http //docs cntd ru/docum ent/991012692?section=status 9 Krasnoyarsk Territory Law “On social support of citizens living in the Taimyr Dolgan- Nenets municipal district of the Krasnoyarsk Territo^” URL http //docs cntd ru/document/9 85014971?section=status 10 Federal Law “On hunting and on the preservation of hunting resources and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” URL http //docs cntd ru/ document/902167488 11 Federal Law “On guarantees of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Russian Federation” URL https//docscntdru/document/901732262 12 Federal Law “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs” URL https //docscntdru/document/901794532 13 Federal Law “On wildlife” URL https//docscntdru/document/9011346 14 Federal Law “On weapons” URL https//docscntdru/document/9034380 15 Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia Order “On approval of the Procedure for issuing and canceling a hunting ticket of a unified federal sample, a hunting ticket form” URL https //docs cntd ru/document/902260179 16 State service for the registration of persons belonging to the indigenous small- numbered peoples of the Russian Federation URL http //fadngovru/reception/questionse 17 Constitutional Court Resolution “On hunting and on the preservation of hunting resources and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” in connection with the complaint of citizen G K Shchukin, the city of St Petersburg URL https // rg ru/2019/06/07/ohota-dok html 18 Russian State Fisheries Committee Order “On approval of the Procedure for fishing in order to ensure the traditional way of life and the implementation of traditional economic activities of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation” URL http //basegarant ru/12160479/ 19 Governmental Order “On approval of the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025” URL http //docs cntd ru/document/552378463 20 Governmental Order “On approval of the Federal plan of statistical work” URL https //docs cntd ru/document/902101255 21 Governmental Resolution “On the state program for the development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food” URL http //docs cntd ru/document/902361843/ 22 Komi Republic Governmental Resolution ““On the State Program of the Komi Republic” Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food, development of the fishe^ complex” URL https//docs cntd ru/ document/561625131 1 1 2 | АРКТИКА —2035: актуальные вопросы, проблемы, решения | 2021-№ 3 | 7 |