Зарницкий, Ю. Ф. Самофокусировочная стабилизация и структура спектра авроральных неоднородностей / Ю. Ф. Зарницкий ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. - Препр. ПГИ-86-08-51. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1986. - 32 с. : ил.
Self-focusing Stabilization And a Structure Of Auroral Irregularities Spectrum. Ju. P. ZamitsKy Abstract Existing experimental data and theoretical estimations are used in this article to substantiate a new mechanism of stabilization for two-stream instability of ionospheric electrojet. This mecha nism is caused by the effect of nonlinear ( positive in sign) shift of Parley-Buneman waves eigenfreq.uer.ces. The packages of these pri mary waves become unstable ,for this reason, as regards the special deformation of wave front, if its amplitude has reached a certain threshold value.' By this way, the energy of primary waves is affecti vely transported to the surface of linear generating cone, where,by means of this process, the energy-contained region of phase space is fonasdo' This region is characterized by zero linear increment and the phase velocities near the ion sound speed. It is shown,that the doppler radar data can be explained sa tisfactory, if the energy-contained region and the linear generating 01 cone have the different values of aspect angles. PB-turbulence may be considered as a weak in this case, and the relative nonlinear 3hift of eigenfrequencee is small. 4
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