Техника и методика геофизического эксперимента : сборник научных трудов / Рос. акад. наук, Кол. науч. центр, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 2003. – 194 с.

Published by decision of the Presidium of the Kola Science Centre Russian Academy of Sciences Instruments and methods of geophysical experiment. —Apatity, Kola Science Centre RAS. - 2003. — 194 p. The collected works continue a series o f publications ("Instruments and methods o f geophysical experiment", 1977), providing description o f unique developments o f various devices and software for handling technical and methods problems, arising in the geophysical research and experiments. The collected works are intended for engineering and expert staff, engaged in organization and carrying out geophysical observations in high latitudes, studies o f ozone contents variations, registering o f optical phenomena in the atmosphere and issues, connected with experimental results processing and mathematical modeling. Editorial staff: L.I.Schur - editor-in-charge; IAKuzmin, PhD (phys.-math.); A-N.Vassilyev, PhD (phys.-math.); N.V.Golubtsova Reviewer: YASakharov, PhD (phys.-math.) ©Polar Geophysical Institute KSC RAS, 2003 ©Kola Science Centre RAS, 2003