Техника и методика геофизического эксперимента : сборник научных трудов / Рос. акад. наук, Кол. науч. центр, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 2003. – 194 с.

ozone concentration in regions with the atmosphere polluted by nitrogen oxides. At this point of view the observations of surface ozone and wind carried out in Barentzburg (Spitsbergen) at 2000 are veiy significant. It is found that the surface ozone experiences considerable negative variations during stagnation periods. It gives evidence that the Barentzburg’s atmosphere is appreciable polluted by nitrogen oxides. The results of numerical modeling are adduced which explain these observations qualitatively. Fig. - 4, ref. - 7 titles. UDK 519.224 Roldugin V.C. Estimation o f the mathematical expectation by averaging after discard of extremal values // Instruments and methods of geophysical experiment. - Apatity: KSC, 2003. - P .151-157. The errors appeared at determination of the mathematical expectation of stochastic variable by averaging method for four types of distribution function (uniform, Gaussian, expotential and arcsine) are calculated. The dimensions of random sample are taken between 3 and 21. It is shown that for the first three distribution types the averaging on the sample after discard of the greatest and the least values gives the standard error of the mean averaged value smaller at 20-30% than on the sample without discard. The tables o f standard errors are given, which can be used in estimation o f the mathematical expectation. Tabl. - 4. UDK 577.3 (470.21) Pershakov L.A., Kashulin P.A. Modeling of some ILF EM fields o f natural geliogeosphysical origin and testing their bioactivity // Instruments and methods o f geophysical experiment. - Apatity: KSC, 2003. - P .157-164. The biological effects o f some forms o f the weak intermittent ILF electromagnetic fields attributed with 1 /f (n ~ 0.5-И) noise properties and amplitudes pulsed within 1500 gammas produced by different emitters on some plant species were investigated. There were found the change o f morpho-physiological parameters in Avena sativa coleoptiles and also in germination curves o f Taraxacum officinale seeds followed by a number (> 2) o f diurnal cycles under the field exposition, which were only slightly responded on the variation of the pattern o f main phase o f diurnal cycle, but dependent o f kind o f the emitters used - rectangular Helmholtz rings or toroidal solenoids. Fig. - 2, ref. - 16 titles. UDK 551.508 Demin V.I. Analysis o f the ozone vertical profile and its destruction rate on the underlying surface by the dynamical model of the surface layer // Instruments and methods o f geophysical experiment. - Apatity: KSC, 2003. - P .165-172. 193