Техника и методика геофизического эксперимента : сборник научных трудов / Рос. акад. наук, Кол. науч. центр, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 2003. – 194 с.

UDK 550.388 Kozelov V.P. Optimization of the point o f operation of Fabri-Perot interferometer (FPI) to diminish the uncertainties in the thermosphere parameter measurements // Instruments and methods of geophysical experiment. - Apatity: KSC, 2003. - P.l 14-120. In this paper we have analyzed different algorithms o f restoring the spectrum by data o f a Fabri-Perot interferometer. Conclusions, concerning the reasons o f large uncertainties, when determining the wind velocity and temperature in the thermosphere by data of a FPI regarding the shift and width of the spectral line X = 557.7 nm are drawn. The recommendations: for optimizing the point of operation of the FPI, currently used at the PGI, are given. These recommendations should diminish the uncertainties o f determination of the wind velocity and the temperature. By this recommendations the experimental optimization o f the point of operation o f the FPI is carried out. Tests of the modernized device at the testing unit by measuring the krypton spectrum line X = 557.029 nm, showed a decrease o f absolute uncertainties by 3 times and increase of photosensitivity by 4-9 times. Fig. - 1, ref. - 12 titles. UDK 551.594.13 Roldugin V.C. Measurement of atmospheric electric current by mesh collector // Instruments and methods o f geophvsical experiment. - Apatity: KSC, 2003. - P .120-128. The problem of measurement o f atmospheric electric current near the ground is examined as electrostatic task. The shapes o f equipotential surfaces are calculated for infinitely long charged wire, placed into uniform electric field. The formula for the width of current collect zone as a function from thickness of the wire and distance from the earth is given. It is shown that this model is quite applicable to the practicability, and the technical parameters for the current collector are mentioned. Fig. - 3, ref. - 6 titles. UDK 681.325 Galakhov A.A., Karpetchko A.Yu. Measurements of vertical wind and temperature by the ultrasonic thermometer- anemometer // Instruments and methods o f geophysical experiment. - Apatity: KSC, 2003. - P. 129-133. The method of the measurements o f the vertical wind and the temperature by the ultrasonic thermometer- anemometer is described. This method provide the measurements o f the parameters with relative error less then 10%. Results o f the field measurements which were carried out on PGI range (Apatity) during September 2001 are presented. Fig. - 3, tabl. - 2, ref. - 3 titles. 191