Техника и методика геофизического эксперимента : сборник научных трудов / Рос. акад. наук, Кол. науч. центр, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 2003. – 194 с.

UDK 535.33 Kornilov I.A. Kornilov O.I. Application o f methods o f images improvement for processing o f auroral tv data // Instruments and methods o f geophysical experiment. - Apatity: KSC, 2003. - P.86-91. A short description o f certain image processing methods is provided. Examples of application o f these methods for TV data processing (frames and keograms) demonstrating significant improvement o f initial experimental material are shown. Image processing procedures can be applied also for the enhancement and improvement of any other information presented as a 2-D image. Fig. - 6, ref. - 6 titles. UDK 523.62.72:520.374 Gvozdevsky B.B. The Software o f the Data Acquisition System o f the Apatity Cosmic Ray Station // Instruments and methods o f geophysical experiment. - Apatity: KSC, 2003. - P.91-98. The complex o f the programs ensuring data gathering o f Apatity cosmic ray station (CRS) and publication the data in the Internet in real time is described. The system consists o f three computers - Collector, Analyzer and Server. The program Monitor, installed on the Collector, collects data from CRS, records them on a hard disk (in a database) and copies them to the Server (in a copy o f a database). The program CRD Processing on the Analyzer allows to look through the data o f all registered channels and, if necessary, to correct wrong values. The Server (WWW- server) contains CRS page, on which the graph of the current neutron monitor data is presented. The graph is updated every 10 minutes. Also the page contains a form to order the data for any period with any time resolution. The users' requests are processed by the program Request. Fig. - 7. UDK 550.388 Yakimov M.V., Vasiliev E.B. The data processing o f space-diversity reception of radiosignals by the generalized correlation analysis technique // Instruments and methods of geophysical experiment. - Apatity: KSC, 2003. - P.98-114. The data processing of the space-diversity reception of radio signals by the generalized correlation analysis technique is carried out with a computer. The data of the VHF receiving station and MF radar, that are situated in the Polar latitudes, are used. These data are a space-diversity reception o f radio source scintillations and the space-diversity reception of partial reflections. The algorithm o f the ionospheric irregularities’ parameters determination was constructed while applying certain solutions for the simplification and acceleration o f the data processing. The comparison of the results with models o f plasma convection and global empirical wind revealed a good agreement. Fig. -10 , ref. - 10 titles. 190