Техника и методика геофизического эксперимента : сборник научных трудов / Рос. акад. наук, Кол. науч. центр, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 2003. – 194 с.

UDK 551.508 Pershakov L.A. An automatic meteorological station // Instruments and methods o f geophysical experiment. - Apatity: KSC, 2003. - P.67-76. Briefly described and specified the functions of an automatic meteorological station various units, meant for registering temperature, pressure, humidity, intensity of illumination and wind parameters. The data recording is carried out using a computer. Provided are the results of measurements of meteo data, obtained in an observatory. Fig. - 9, ref. - 8 titles. UDK 551.508 Pershakov L.A. Device for detection and registering meteo precipitation intensity // Instruments and methods of geophysical experiment. - Apatity: KSC, 2003. - P.77-81. A brief description of the functional layout of the device is provided. The device is meant for detection and registering meteo precipitation intensity and it operates in the regime of the weakening or shading of the optical signal with precipitation particles in the operation area of light pulses. Provided are experimental results of registering of precipitations in the form of rain and snow under different meteo conditions in the atmosphere. It is shown, that using the developed device one can surely enough register the moments of the beginning and the end of precipitations, as well as the character of relative variations of their intensity during the preset time interval. Fig. - 3, ref. - 6 titles. UDK 550.93+536.334 V.A.Zhavkov. Pyrometer for solid phase mass spectrometers // Instruments and methods of geophysical experiment. - Apatity: KSC, 2003. - P.81-84. When working with a mass spectrometer with thermal ionizing, one of the most important parameters of the measurement process is the temperature up to which the sample has to be heated. The difficulty of measuring such a temperature is due to the veiy small surface of the heated subject (0.6 mm2). In Soviet-made mass spectrometers this temperature could be measured using an optical pyrometer by the method of visual comparison of the subject’s luminosity degree to the luminosity of the calibration filament. However, this pyrometer is hardly applicable for work for reasons of a veiy low accuracy and an extremely complex procedure of adjustment of the optical system. We have constructed a pyrometer for mass spectrometers, enabling us to increase considerably the accuracy of sample temperature readings without any need in adjustments during measurements. The basis of this pyrometer is a detector of emission within a range of 300-820 nm, which receives the light stream from the heated subject. The output signal of the pyrometer is received by a digital voltmeter, which every spectrometer has and is converted in temperature by the operator using a calibration chart. The approximate accuracy o f the pyrometer is about 20°C in the neighborhood of20000°C. Fig. -1 , ref. - 3 titles. 189