Техника и методика геофизического эксперимента : сборник научных трудов / Рос. акад. наук, Кол. науч. центр, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 2003. – 194 с.

A device is described, which allows to record the spectrum o f the day's sky for study o f the atmosphere parameters in the range 280-720 nm. There are possibilities for varying by the program of the spectrum record range, sensitivity, speed o f rotation o f the gitter, frequency o f the information read-out. The wave-length resolution o f the device is 0.5-0.6 nm, discreteness of the spectrum record is 0.012 nm. Fig. - 3, ref. - 5 titles. UDK 550.386 Galakhov V.A. The impact o f meteoparameters on the operational stability o f Fabry-Perot interferometer // Instruments and methods o f geophysical experiment. - Apatity: KSC, 2003. - P.54-57. The impact of meteoparameters on operational stability and the accuracy of measurements o f the neutral wind velocity using a Fabry-Perot interferometer has been investigated. It is shown, that the strongest impact of the atmospheric pressure takes place at the expense of alteration of the air refraction ratio (the change of pressure by 0.1-0.2 mb results in the shift of the emission maximum by 0.001 E, which corresponds to the wind velocity -80 m/s. The resulting conclusion is as follows: the interferometer should be placed in a pressure chamber, when measuring thermosphere parameters. Fig. - 2, ref. - 3 titles. UDK 550.34 Kuzmin I.A., Vinogradov Y.A. Modemizated ifrasound measuring equipment KRSC and some registraion’s examples // Instruments and methods of geophysical experiment. - Apatity: KSC, 2003. - P.57-61. Data collecting infrasound information in KRSC is described. The examples of infrasound registrations, corresponding with explosion and "aurora", are shown. Fig. - 4, ref. - 4 titles. UDK 550.34 Asming V.E., Kuzmin I.A., Zhurkov M.A. A system for continuous registration and preliminary processing o f seismological data // Instruments and methods of geophysical experiment. - Apatity: KSC, 2003. - P.61-67. A system comprising digital seismological station and personal computer has been developed by Kola Regional Seismological Centre. It enables continuous registration and near real time processing of seismological data. Such systems had been installed in Kola Peninsula (Khibiny, Revda), in Barentsburg (Spitsbergen) and Amderma. The structure o f the system and data processing algorithms are described. Fig. -3 . 188