Структура и динамика полярных токовых систем : материалы международного симпозиума «Полярные геомагнитные явления», 25-31 мая, Суздаль, СССР / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 1988. – 150 с.

CONCLUSIONS. Treatment of the observation material as carried out in the preceding chapters will be summarized by the following description of essen­ tial results: 1. The temporal variations of the AU activity do not only have a conveo- tion-like but also substorm character. 2. The eastward and westward convection electrojet scarcely move during its development* even not in that case if it is superimposed by a aubstorm electrojet. 3. There are events where the eastward convection electrojet is superimp­ osed by short-time positive variations. 4. If a westward electrojet occurs in the evening sector poleward of the eastward'one, the eastward electrojet moves equatorward. It is supposed that this eastward electrojet is not generated by the convection driving process. 5. The convection eastward electrojet is not accompanied by the occurrence of cosmic noise absorption. That means that energetic electron precipitation is lacking at that time. 6. Short-time positive variations of the magnetic horizontal component, sometimes superimposed to the convection-like variations, occur simultaneously with an intensification of cosmic noise absorption. 7. The convection eastward electrojet better correlates with the south­ ward component of the interplanetary magnetic field than the eastward electro­ jet which occurs together with the explosion process. These observations indicate that the eastward electrojet is not only generated by the convection driving process. Similar to the westward electro­ jet there must exist a magnetospheric process which decisively increases part­ icle precipitation in the afternoon sector, too, and in this manner increases the intensity of the eastward electrojet and leads to its equatorward displace­ ment. Modifying the picture of Baumjohann /1982/, the picture as presented in Pig.14 is suggested. So our investigations of the auroral electrojet, show that the eastward electrojet is generated not only by the driving process. Investigations about poleward and equatorward boundary of both electrojets showed (Grafe 1983) that the position of the equatorward boundary verve s only insignificantly during an event and coincides with the Kp dependent position of the electron injection boundary and that the poleward boundary of both electrojets is subjected to more intense variations during an event. If that of the westward electrojet is moving, as a rule, poleward, that of the eastward electrojet is moving equator- ward. The disturbances at the poleward edge of the eastward electrojet point to influences which.can originate from magnetospheric processes probably by precipitation of plasma sheet electrons. On the other hand in case of a change of the convection electric field, a conforming development of both electrojet boundaries had to be expected. Considering these results'on the eastward electrojet, doubts about the conception of the driving process as the only source process seem to be just­ ified. Therefore it is absolutely necessary to carry out detailed investiga­ tions on the eastward electrojet in order to find out its nature. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I greatfully acknowledge the Finnish Meteorological Institute for the magnetograms of the EISCAT magnetometer cross, Dr.Ness for the IMP-8 interplanetary magnetic field data and Dr.Hilka Ranta for the data of the Finnish riometer chain. For helpful discussions I thank Dr.Pellinen. A wish to thank also Mrs.Glodek for your helping in analyzing the large data material, 68