Структура и динамика полярных токовых систем : материалы международного симпозиума «Полярные геомагнитные явления», 25-31 мая, Суздаль, СССР / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 1988. – 150 с.

Mead G.D., Fairfield D.H. Quantitative magnetospheric model derived from spacecraft magnetometer data. - J.Geophys.Res., 60, 523, 1975. Sckopke N., Pashman u., Haerendel G . , Sonnerup B.U.O., Bame S.J., Forbes T.G., Honea E.W.,Jr., Russell C.T. Structure of low-latitude boundary layer. - J.Geophys.Res., 86, 2099, 1981. Sonnerup B.U.O. Theory of the low latitude boundary layer. - J.Geophys. Res., 8£, 2017, 1980. Williams D.J., Mitchell D.G., Eastman T.E., Frank L.A. Energetic particle observations in the low latitude boundary layer. - J.Geophys.Res., 22. -5097, 1985. Winningham J.D., Yasuhara F . , Akasofu S.I., Heikkila W.J. The latitud­ inal morphology of 10-keV electron fluxes during magnetically quiet and dis­ turbed times in the 2100-0300 MLT sector. - J.Geophys,Res., 80, 3148, 1975. A. Grafe THE EASTWARD ELECTROJKT AND MAGNETOSPHERIC SUBSTORM ABSTRACT. At present, for the generation of auroral electrojets two processes are named, the driven convection process and the unloading process. Hereby it is assumed that the eastward electrojet is generated only by the driven convection process, i.e. that it is only a part of the large-scale DP2 current system. This opinion is doubted. It is shown that several observ­ ations in connection with the eastward electrojet do not fit into the concep­ tion of this explanation. For that purpose, the occurrence of the eastward electrojet is investigated in this paper in comparison to the development of other disturbance parameters: westward electrojet, cosmic noise absorption and interplanetary magnetic field. In certain cases, the eastward electrojet is intensified, which cannot be explained by convection intensification. It is considered necessary to find an additional generation mechanism for inter­ pretation of the development of the eastward electrojet. INTRODUCTION. There is no doubt that the eastward electrojet is exist­ ing in the afternoon sector, but in the past many contrary opinios about the nature of the eastward electrojet were existing. The following questions were asked: When does this electrojet occur? What position does this electrojet. have in the substorm process? What relations do exist between this electrojet and other auroral phenomena in the afternoon and evening sector? How is this electrojet generated and what are its magnetospheric sources? In the last years observations of the electric field and of the electric conductivity in the area of the auroral electrojet have much contributed to the answering of these questions, but raised new questions, too. In principle, the role of the eastward electrojet in the oubstorm process (and also in the general disturb­ ance prooess)is not clear. For a long time it has been tried to explain them by derivation of equivalent two-dimensional current systems. Relatively early it became known that the intensity of the eastward electrojet is stronger at the beginning of the disturbances than the one of the westward 57