Структура и динамика полярных токовых систем : материалы международного симпозиума «Полярные геомагнитные явления», 25-31 мая, Суздаль, СССР / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 1988. – 150 с.

line corresponds to the initial level .of electron fluxes with the energy 30-38 keV before the dropout). Just at this time there occurs a change of the magnetic field typical for the active phu3e. Such simultaneous increase of energetic particle fluxes during the onset of the substorm i3 typical for the data from other satellites at 6.6 Rg. A new increase of the electron flux and dipolarization accompany the passing of the western edge of the auroral bulge through the satellite's meridian at the moment t^. DISCUSSION. Thus the satellite data at 6.6 R^ show that in the magneto­ sphere a certain boundary dividing the regions with different magnetic field configuration corresponds to the western edge of the auroral bulge. Variations of the energetic particle fluxes change across this boundary which greatly resembles "the fault line"in paper /5/. Fig.3 schemes the changes of the full value of the В magnetic field and particle fluxes (solid lines) in the magnetosphere inside and on the trap­ ped boundary with simultaneous observ­ ations of auroras and magnetic field variations on the ground in the magneto-conjugated region. The suppo­ sed location of the region of local particle acceleration is denoted by the dashed line. In this region proton and electron fluxes increase simultaneously when the satellite at the intensification moment is located in the breakup region. Pig. 3. Schemes of changes of the magnetic field В (full value) and particle fluxes in the magnetosphere with observations of the WTS in the conjugated region. CONCLUSIONS. The use of the D-component variation in the auroral zone helped to order fast-succeeding intensifications and carry out the analysis of particle flux variations and magnetic field configuration in the sector (21.00) LT during the substorms with a complex structure. The results are the following. 1. During the active phase of the substorm the spatial boundary separat­ ing different magnetospheric regions is connected with the western edge of the auroral bulge. Eastward of the boundary proton fluxes decrease in phase with increases of electron fluxes, while the magnetic field changes from a taillike configuration toward a more dipolar one. 2. Simultaneous increase of fluxes of energetic electrons and protons ie observed at the onset of the intensification in the vicinity of the breakup region. 3. Initial weaker intensifications when B z< 0 are characterized by restricted poleward expansion with low magnetic disturbances. These intensif­ ications do not significantly affect the three-dimensional current system of 46