Структура и динамика полярных токовых систем : материалы международного симпозиума «Полярные геомагнитные явления», 25-31 мая, Суздаль, СССР / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 1988. – 150 с.

Fig. 1. Change of the shell-type electron distribution function structure due to quasi- linear relaxation and particle trapping between the magnetic and electrostatic mirrors, a - distribution function with the maximum on the velocity module; b - distribution function with plateau. Fig.2. The "conic" type ion distribution function, a - in the acceleration region; b - in the higher regions. f = noc t- 2 (B 0 /B)[vlf - v / ( B o/ B H ) r Vav,1x x exp ( / T В ) (4) where T =const is determined by the turbulence parameters; is the "conic" type ions concentration; B Q and В are the magnetic fields in the acceleration and detection regions, respectively; and V„ are the transverse and field-aligned velocities. The dependence of the hot magnetospheric ion pressure disturbance p* on the small-scale magnetospheric potential disturbance Um (X,Y) (where X, Y are the ionospheric coordinates x, уmapped on the equatorial plane along the field lines) is of the form /4/* , -f oo p' = -en(um(x,Y) - f ] Ufn(Xl,Y')K(X,X'>y,Y,)dX'dr') (5) -во-o© where n is the nondisturbed density of hot plasma particles; the kernel K(X,X',Y,Y' ) is symmetric with respect to X, X' and Y, Y 1 and vanishes rapidly at [(X-X1)2 + ( Y ~ Y ')2] ^ > г ц (where гн is the Larmor radius of hot ions in the equatorial plane) (Fig.3). The ionospheric-magnetospheric current system may prove to he unstable in the regions where the field-aligned currents outflow from the ionosphere /11/. For the instability to arise, the hot-ion Larmor radius ne a r the equatorial plane must exceed the inverse wave number of the instability and 40