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3. T he sign of electric charges in the p l a c e s o f r e v e r s a l of the E ^ - direction agrees with the picture of polarization f i e l d s which are caused by energetic particles on the presure gradients in the magnetosphere. The corres ponding FACs promote creation or intensification of the three-dimensional current system of the substorm. R E F E R E N C E S : 1. Roux A., Perraut S., Robert P.et al. X X V C O S P A R , Abstracts, 1984.162. 2. Pederaen A . , Cattell C.A., Falthammer C. -G.et al. Space Sci.Rev., 1984, 37, 269. 3. Pellinen R . , Huuskonen A., Vallinkoski M.et al. Proc.Conf. "Achieve ments of the IMS", 26-28 June, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-217, 1984, 359. 4. 4. Roux A. Proc.ESA Workshop on Future Missions in Solar, Heliospheric and Space Plasma Physics. Garmish-Parten Kirchen, W.Germany, 30 April-2 May 1985, ESA SP-235 (June 1985), 151-159. 5. Petrov V., Kozelova Т., Lazutin L.L., Treilhou J.-P. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 1984, 24, 232. 6. Kozelova Т., Lazutin L . , Melnikov A., Sakharov Ya. et al. Abstracts International Symposium "Polar Geomagnetic Phenomena", 25-31 May, 1986, Souzdal, USSR, 18. 7. Kozelova Т., Lyatsky V. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 1984, 24, 228. 8. Kremser G . , Bjordal J., Block L.P. et al. J.Geophys.Res., 1982, 87, 4445. 9. Swift D.W. Planet Space Sci., 1967, 15, 1225. 10. Lezniak Т., Winckler. J.Geophys.Res., 1970, 75, 7075. E.E.Antonova, B.A.Tverskoy TO THE PROBLEM OF AURORAL CURRENT SYSTEM FORMATION AND AURORAL PARTICLE ACCELERATION ABSTRACT. The analysis of high latitude magnetospheric-ionospheric inter action gives a possibility to find the large scale harmonics of magnetospheric turbulence and to explain the existence and the main features of homogeneous auroral arcs as well as the functions of nonmaxwell plasma sheet distribution. The self-consistent theory taking into account the potential redistribu tion due to finite ionospheric conductivity was developed in /1,2/} the case of steady-state convection was examined in /3/. The field-aligned current configuration predicted theoretically and found in experiments afterwards is being intensively studied nowadays. On the assumption of magnetospheric equilibrium the basic equation of the magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction theory is /4/ D i v Z v U ; = c ( 3 [ > W v p ] ) ( 1 ) 38
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