Структура и динамика полярных токовых систем : материалы международного симпозиума «Полярные геомагнитные явления», 25-31 мая, Суздаль, СССР / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 1988. – 150 с.

Ал improved magnetic coordinate system for auroral oval studies. Gustafsson G., Papitashvili N.E., Papitashvili V.O. - Вкн.: Структура идинамикаполярныхтоковыхсистем. Апатиты, изд. Кольскогофилиала АНСССР, 1987, с. 102-104. Most studies related to auroral phenomena are carried out using magnetic coordinates that ere based on the internal magnetic field of the earth. Models including external currents, are available representing the magnetic field at auroral oval latitudes rather well, at least during quiet conditions. A new coordinate system has been defined that is based on such a field model, A considerable improvement is obtained in the ordering of auroral data in this coordinate system which includes both diurnal and seasonal dependence of the magnetic' field. Configuration of the quiet polar cap and its response to a sudden increase of the energy input rate . Lassen K . , Danielsen C., Jorgensen T.S., Meng C.-I. - Вкн.: Структураидинамикаполярныхтоковыхсистем. Апатиты, изд. КольскогофилиалаАНСССР, 1987, с. I05-II4. Following a geomagnetically quiet period of ab.17 hours duration a sudden increase of the solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling function £ to above 11 10 W occurred at 0510 UT on Nov.29,1984, and a moderate substorm onset was observed in the midnight sector of the auroral oval at 0612 UT. Qround-based optical measurements combined with electron precipitation data obtained dur­ ing the very quiet interval are used to determine the shape and position of the boundary of the polar cap during quiet conditions. Next the influence of the sudden disturbance on the boundary position is studied. 10-20 minutes О after the solar wind disturbance 6300 A photometer measurements show evidence of a decrease in the number od sporadic occuring auroras (spikes) in the pre­ cipitation belt near the polar cap boundary in the dawn sector. 10-20 minutes before substorm onset this boundary had been shifted equatorward by ab.7°. In the same sector the equatorward boundary of the auroral oval began to move equatorwards at the time of the substorm onset. In the dusk sector the equatorward shift of the polar cap boundary is not observed until at least 5 minutes after the onset. It is concluded that an equatorward shift of the polar cap boundary caused by an increase in the energy input rate t may be observed at part of the boundary essentially earlier than the corresponding shift of the auroral oval. The shift may take place at different hours in different sectors of the polar cap with time difference of at least 20 min. between dawn and dusk. УДК550.385 Параметрысолнечноговетраидинамикамагнитныхсуббурь. ТрошичевО.А. Вкн.: Структураидинамикаполярныхтоковыхсистем. Апатиты, изд. Коль­ скогофилиалаАНСССР, 1987, с. II5-I34. Данобзорисследованийвлиянияпараметровсолнечноговетранадинамику магнитныхсуббурь. Результатыэтихисследованиймогутбытьсуммированыследу­ ющимобразом: I) статистическиеанализыпоказывают, чтоАииAL индексыкорре­ лируютнаилучшимобразомсBslf2 иBS,V параметрами; 2) влияниеазимутальной компонентынамагнитнуюактивностьнеоднозначноиявляетсясуммарньмитогом различныхэффектов; 3) конвективныевозмущения (гладкаячастьсуббури) прямо наводятсясолнечнымветромсвременнойзадержкой~ 60 мин; 4) взрывнаяфаза суббуриможетвозбуждатьсясамопроизвольноиливынужденноподвлияниемвнеш- 148