Структура и динамика полярных токовых систем : материалы международного симпозиума «Полярные геомагнитные явления», 25-31 мая, Суздаль, СССР / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 1988. – 150 с.

The eastward electro.iet and maKnetosoheric substorm. Grafe A. - В КН.: Структураидинамикаполярныхтоковыхсистем. Апатиты, изд. Кольского филиалаАНСЙСР, 1987, с. 57-69. At present for the generation of auroral electrojets two processes are named, the driven conveotion process and the unloading process. Hereby it is assumed that the eastward electrojet is generated only by the driven convec­ tion process, i.e. that it is only a part of the large-scale DP2 current sys­ tem. This opinion is doubted. It is shown that several observations in connec­ tion with the eastward electrojet do not fit into the conception of this exp­ lanation. For that purpose, the occurence, of the eastward electrojet is inves­ tigated in this paper in comparison to the development of other disturbance parameters: westward electrojet, cosmic noise absorption and interplanetary magnetic field. In certain cases the eastward electrojet is intensified, which cannot be explained by convection intensification. It is considered necessary to find an additional generation mechanism for interpretation of the develop­ ment of the eastward electrojet. УДК533.951.8 Новыйвзгляднавзрывноеначалосуббури: хаотичноедвижениечастицивоз- бувдениенеустойчивостиразрывноймоды. БюхнерЙ,, ЗеленыйЛ.М. - Вкн.: Структураидинамикаполярныхтоковыхсистем. Апатиты, изд. Кольского филиалаАНСЙСР, 1987, с. 70-74. Предложенновыймеханизм, правильноописывающийпродолжительнуюустойчи­ востьмагнитосферногохвоставовремяпредварительнойфазысуббурикакмомент дестабилизациихвостаипереходакеговзрывообразномураспаду. Причинойне­ устойчивостибыланайденадетерминистскаяхаотизацияэлектроноввсильноиск­ ривленноммагнитномполецентральногоплазменногослоя- нейтральногослоя хвостамагнитосферы. Илл. - 2, библиогр. - 14 назв. Electric currents in the Earth's environmental space revealed from the analysis of satellite data. Fukushima N. - Вкн.: Структураидинамика полярныхтоковыхсистем. Апатиты, изд. КольскогофилиалаАНСССР, Satellite observations of the geomagnetic field have contributed not only to the study of the world distribution of the permanent magnetic field (originating from the earth's crust, mantle and core), but also to investiga­ ting the electric current flow in the earth's environmental space. A recent low-altitude satellite MAGSAT provided us with the accurate three-component magnetic field data along the dawn and dusk meridians at a height of 250-550 km. The MAGSAT data enabled us to discover various important characteristics of the electric currents flowing in the ionosphere and magne­ tosphere, such as - field-aligned current patterns in high latitudes for different conditi­ ons of interplanetary magnetic field, including the appearance of a specific field-aligned current pair (called NBZ current-system) in the vicinity of the geomagnetic pole during the interval of northward interplanetary magnetic field; - coincidence of the regions with enhanced field-aligned currents and discrete aurorae and electron precipitations; - evidence for the electric current flow in the ionosphere in middle latitudes at the time of SC*; 146