Структура и динамика полярных токовых систем : материалы международного симпозиума «Полярные геомагнитные явления», 25-31 мая, Суздаль, СССР / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 1988. – 150 с.
- the enhancement of magnetic activity under negative В in summer and positive В in winter. 3. Convection disturbances (smooth part of substorms) are directly driven by the solar wind with an average time delay about 60 minutes. 4. The substorm may come to explosive phase spontaneously or under the external influence. The duration of the growth phase of spontaneous substorms may last from 20 minutes to 120 minutes as a function of the IMF parameter B^: T B T s i n 20/2»3OO nT. . 5. The forced substorms are triggered by the solar wind discontinuities, mainly by the northward reversals of B z or by the turning of В from the positive direction to the negative one. The triggered substorm onsets are usually observed at once as discontinuity front contaots with magnetosphere provided the storage energy ia quite sufficient. 6. B o t h the directly driven processes (growth phase) and nondriven loading-unloading processes (expansive phase) play an important role in sub- storm dynamics. R E F E R E N C E S i Akasofu S.-I. Relationships between the AE and Dst indices during geomag netic storms. - .1.Geophys.Res., 86 , 4820-4822, 1981. Akasofu S.-I. A magnetospheric storm with a nearly constant input rate for about 24 hours. - Planet Space.Sci., 33, 81-87, 1986. Akasofu S.-I,., Olmsted C., Smith E.J., Tsurutani B,, Okida R . , Baker D.N. Solar wind variations and geomagnetic storms:A study of individual storms based on high time resolution ISEE 3 data. - J.Geophys.Res., 90, 325-340,1985. A m o l d y R.L. Signature in the interplanetary medium for substorms. - J. Geophys.Res., 7 6 , 5189-5201, 1971. Baker D . N . , Hones E.W,, Payne J.B., Feldman Y/.C. A high time resolution study of interplanetary parameters correlation with AB. - Geophys.Res.Lett., 8 , 179 - 182 , 1981 . Bakor D.N. , Zwickl R . D . , Ваше S.J., Hones E.W., Smith E.J., Akasofu S.-I. An ISEE 3 high time resolution study of interplanetary parameter correlation with magnetispherio activity. - J.Geophys.Res., 88, 6230-6242, 1983. Baker R.N. , Fritz T.A., McPherron R.L., Fairfield D.N., Kamide Y . , Baum- johann W. Magnetotail energy 3torage and release during the CDAW 6 substorm analysis intervals. - J.Geophys.Res., 90, 1205-1216, 1985. Bargatze L.F. , Baker D.N., McPherron R.L., Hones E.W, Magnetospheric impulse response for many levels of geomagnetic activity. - J.Geophys,Res., 90, 6387-6354, 1985. Baumjohann W. Ionospheric and field-aligned current systems in the auro ral z o n e . - Adv.Space Res., 2(10), 55—60, 1983. Burch J.L. Effects of interplanetary magnetic sector structure on auroral zone and polar cap magnetic activity. - J.Geophys.Res., 78, 1047-1057, 1973. Caan M . N . , McPherron R . L . , Russell C.T. Characteristics of the associa tion between the interplanetary magnetic field and substorms. - J.Geophys. Re e . , 82, 4037-4842, 1977. Caan Ы N.. MoPherron R . L . , Russell C.T. The statistical magnetic signature of magnetoopherio substorms. - Planet.Space Set, 26, 269-279, 1978. C R. McPherron R . L . , Searls C., Kivelson M.G. Solar wind control of auroral zone geomagnetic activity. - Geophys.Res.Lett., 8, 915-918, 1981. Diritrieva N P. Sergeev V.A. Spontaneous and triggered onsets of substorm expansion and duration of the subetorm growth phase. - Geomagn.Aeronomy, 23, 470-747, 1983. I3I
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