Структура и динамика полярных токовых систем : материалы международного симпозиума «Полярные геомагнитные явления», 25-31 мая, Суздаль, СССР / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Апатиты : [б. и.], 1988. – 150 с.

0.A.Troshichev SOLAR WIND PARAMETERS AND MAGNETIC SUBSTORM DYNAMICS. ABSTRACT. Influence of the solar wind, parameters on magnetic substorm dynamloe Is considered. The results of this examination may be summarized as follows! - the statistical analysis shows that AL and AU indices correlate in the p best way with В v or В v characteristics! У a - the influence of the IMP azimuthal component on magnetic activity is ambiguous and is the sum of various effects) - convection disturbances (smooth part of substorms) are directly driven by the solar wind with an average time delay about 60 minutes; - substorms may come to explosive phase spontaneously or under the exter­ nal influence; duration of the growth phase of spontaneous substorms may last from 20 minutes to 120 minutes as a function of the IMP parameters; - the forced substormo are triggered by the solar wind discontinuities mainly by the northward reversals of B g or by the turning of By from the positive direction to the negative one; - both the directly driven process (growth phase) and loading/unloading process (expansive phase) play an important role .in substorm dynamics. INTRODUCTION. Magnetic subatorms are the result of energy input from the solar wind Into the magnetosphere. As soon as the first data on the solar wind parameters were obtained it became obvious that the southern component of the interplanetary magnetic field and the solar wind velocity V 0v; are the key characteristics controlling this process (Snyder et al.,1963s Pairfield and 0ahill,1966| Rostoker and Falthammar, 1967). Further investigations of the relationships between the solar wind parameters and the level of geomagnetic activity confirm the high geoefficiency of those parameters which include B 0 and V parameters (Arnoldy,1971( Foster et al.,1971; Garrett et al.,1974; Murayama and Hakamada,1975; Caan ot al.,1977; Perreault and Akaeofu,1978; lyemorl et a l . ,1979; Olauer et al.,1981; Baker et al.,1981; Danilov,1981; Holzer and Slavin,1982). The effect of the IMF azimuthal component on magnetic activity were studied by Pudovkin et al.{1980), Murayama and Hakamada (1975), Murayama et al.(1980), Metlyaev et al.(1982), but the data were rather ambiguous. Sufficiently complete reviews of the above results are given by Maezawa (1979), Niehida (1983), Murayama (1982). In this paper the recent findings on the solar wind parameters efficiency are aumnarized. The paper examine statistical relationships as well as temporal response of substorm activity to changes in solar wind parameters, substorm triggering and interrelation of two main mechanisms of solar wind energy input: a driven model and a loading one. II5