Развитие радиофизических методов активного воздействия на высокоширотную ионосферу : сборник научных трудов / Рос. акад. наук, Кол. науч. центр, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [отв. ред. А. А. Арыков]. – Апатиты : КНЦ РАН, 1993. - 79 с.

Rumyantsev S .A . Interaction between HP whistlers and upper ionospheric plasma. The basic processes of the interaction between HP whistler waves and the ionosphere are discussed. The re­ gions of the most effective interaction are determined. They are D and Ё layers with collisional absorption and the region over maximum of F layer with colli 3 ionless absorption, respectively. The absorption is caused by plasma or cyclotron resonances of HP whistler at last case. A review of some sequences of absorption of the,HP whistler in the region of plasma resonance in the high latitude ionosphere is given. 79