Развитие радиофизических методов активного воздействия на высокоширотную ионосферу : сборник научных трудов / Рос. акад. наук, Кол. науч. центр, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [отв. ред. А. А. Арыков]. – Апатиты : КНЦ РАН, 1993. - 79 с.

C O N T E N T S Page Arykcv A .A ., Roizen A.M. Impulse HP discharge: choice of the facility parameters and some geophysi­ cal e f f e c t s ............................................................................... 6 Aryk'ov A .A . Larin V .P . Numerical modelling of the HP discharge in the lower ionosphere ..................... 15 Larin V . P . , Rumyantsev S .A . On the possibili­ ties of the anthropogenic effect of electromagnetic radiation on the Earth's ozonosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Roizen A .M ., Vasilyev A .N ., Shnaydermsn B .A . Plant-generator of powerful electromagnetic Impulses and receiveing arrangement of the diagnostical complex ............................. ................................. ........................39 Vasil'yev A .N ., Voronin A . I . , Noskov S . P . , Petrunkin M.A. Realization of the method of protons registration in the case of modulated weaK streams.. 49 Petrurfkin M.A. Lifractional selective interfe­ rometer: light stream passage coefficient ................... 59 Rumyantsev S.A . Interaction between HP whist­ lers and the upper ionospheric plasma ........... 65