XVI международная научная конференция студентов и аспирантов «Проблемы арктического региона», Мурманск, 16 мая 2017 года : труды конференции / [ред.: Черняков С. М., Шаповалова Ю. А.]. - Мурманск : Полиграфист, 2017. - 212 с.

FEATURES OF THE REGIONAL POLICY OF THE ARCTIC COUNTRIES (BY THE EXAMPLE OF THE USA, ALASKA) A.I. Toropova NARFU named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russia nastushatorovova(a),vandex. ru Annotation. This article examines the specifics of the regional policy implemented in the state of Alaska. The main regulatory impacts in the demographic and energy spheres are shown. Particular attention is paid to the activities of the Permanent Fund, the order of its formation and expenditure. The main factors contributing to the success of the Alaskan model of regional policy are investigated. The successful experience of the Alaska authorities can become an example for other northern regions, especially for those with a specialization in raw materials. Keywords: Alaska, regional policy, energy policy, the Arctic Проблемы Арктического региона 206