XVI международная научная конференция студентов и аспирантов «Проблемы арктического региона», Мурманск, 16 мая 2017 года : труды конференции / [ред.: Черняков С. М., Шаповалова Ю. А.]. - Мурманск : Полиграфист, 2017. - 212 с.

This project was presented at several conferences and competitions of regional and national level: scientific conference "High-latitude geophysical researches" conducted by the Polar Geophysical Institute on November 2, 2016, during the Days of innovations of the Murmansk region in October 2016, a competition of students scientific works of the Russian scientific technical society of radio engineering, electronics and connection, A.S. Popov's all-Russian exhibition of innovative projects “Start-Tour 2016". In addition, the project was considered to be the best scientific student work in the competition among young scientists of the Murmansk region in 2016. Future directions of the research Further work is directed to improving basic characteristics of the device. For example, the use of multiple rings director is being studied (fig. 4). Физические проблемы £ Fig. 4. The triangular-arc antenna of circular polarization with two rings directors There are some results in this study. The position of the rings directors with respect to each other and vibrators depends on some relations with the wavelength. In the correct position the second ring director increases the antenna gain of about one decibel (fig. 5). ... 6 ..... a) b) Fig. 5. The far field of the triangular-arc antenna of circular polarization with two rings directors 153