XVI международная научная конференция студентов и аспирантов «Проблемы арктического региона», Мурманск, 16 мая 2017 года : труды конференции / [ред.: Черняков С. М., Шаповалова Ю. А.]. - Мурманск : Полиграфист, 2017. - 212 с.
Проблемы образования в Арктическом регионе it will be useful for schoolchildren to reflect on the fact that natural and man-made factors occur in the Russian Arctic, which can cause emergency situations, i.e. may threaten world security. Thirdly, the civil-patriotic education of the younger generation is facilitated by the development and activation of diverse forms o f extracurricular activities. So, schoolchildren, studying the subject of the Arctic not only in the classroom, but through various extracurricular activities, various projects, prospecting and local studies, etc., are able to better understand the peculiarities of our region of residence. Fourth, when teaching children, it is necessary to use such pedagogical technologies, which are based on active methods of teaching. We are talking about ethical conversation, educational discussion, research activity, problem situation, role-playing game, example method, etc. Conclusion Thus, the subject of the Arctic has every right to become a regional component in the civil- patriotic education of students in the Murmansk region. Before the modern educational system is the task of forming patriotic feelings of schoolchildren, education and consciousness of citizenship on the basis of the values of their people, their region. It is important to study the topic of the Arctic in Murmansk schools were systemic in nature, so data was not fragmentary, but complete, interconnected. In this regard, we consider it appropriate to develop a number of programs and manuals, workbooks, tasks which will include games and educational-cognitive activity. In addition, there should be developed special guidelines for educators, teachers, psychologists, parents. Thus, students of the Murmansk region will be able to create a positive image of the Arctic that will contribute to their civil and Patriotic education. References Bykov A. Patriotic education of schoolchildren in the teaching of the disciplines of the humanitarian cycle / A. Bykov // Education of schoolchildren. - 2012. - No. 10. - P. 2-6. Valieva Z.I. National-regional component in the patriotic education of students / Z.I. Valieva //Vector of science TSU.- 2 0 1 5 .-N o . 3 . - P . 31-35. Kasimova T.A. Patriotic education of schoolchildren / T.A. Kasimova, D.E. Yakovlev. - 2 nd ed. - Moscow: Iris Press, 2013. - 64 p. Kondakov A.M. The concept of federal educational standards of general education / A.M. Kondakov. - Moscow: Prospekt, 2012. - 39 p. Solov’eva T.A. The image of the Arctic in modem adolescents / T.A. Solovyova // Bulletin of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. - 2010. - No. 6. - P. 92. ТЕМА АРКТИКИ КАК РЕГИОНАЛЬНЫЙ КОМПОНЕНТ В ГРАЖДАНСКО-ПАТРИОТИЧЕСКОМ ВОСПИТАНИИ УЧАЩИХСЯ МУРМАНСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ //. Багров Мурманский арктический государственный университет, г. Мурманск, Россия nikit201 (а),гambler, ги Аннотация. В данной статье анализируется тема Арктики как регионального компонента в гражданско-патриотическом воспитании учащихся Мурманской области. Учащиеся мало знают об этом регионе, многие их знания ошибочны, отрывочны. В статье доказывается, что внедрение программ по краеведению должно носить системный характер, что педагоги должны быть компетентны в этом вопросе, то и изучение темы Арктики школьникам будет интересно. Ключевые слова: Арктика, краеведение, гражданско-патриотическое воспитание. 131
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