XVI международная научная конференция студентов и аспирантов «Проблемы арктического региона», Мурманск, 16 мая 2017 года : труды конференции / [ред.: Черняков С. М., Шаповалова Ю. А.]. - Мурманск : Полиграфист, 2017. - 212 с.

Unfortunately, modern research practice shows that current adolescents have a very poor understanding of the Arctic. As a rule, they associate the Arctic as an unreal empty place in which there are no temporal and spatial boundaries. About a third of the students describe it as a limited territory, a continent located in a certain part of the world and having a rich supply of natural resources; They include the Arctic Ocean, the North Pole, the New Earth, the Barents and White Seas. Thus, the image of the Arctic in teenagers of the XXI century is undifferentiated, generalized, fully specifying it. Therefore, before modem civil-Patriotic education stands today next task is to create a positive image of the Arctic, and through the image of the region - to inculcate in children a sense of pride for their country [Solov'eva, 2010]. In our opinion, schoolchildren should not simply receive basic knowledge of the relative Arctic region, its ecological, geopolitical and other features. The relations between the Russian Federation and other countries should be studied in a mandatory manner with regard to issues related to the Arctic. We believe that the key idea of civic-patriotic education of students in the Murmansk region should be the idea that the Arctic has its own natural and economic, demographic conditions. They distinguish it from other regions of the country. We believe that the phenomenon of Arctic exclusivity contributes to the formation of a stable citizenship in schoolchildren, pride in their land and their country. That teachers of schools in the Murmansk region can carry out the civil-patriotic education of schoolchildren, they should, first of all, increase the competence of educators in matters of patriotic education through active knowledge of the cultural and historical heritage of their native land and modem technologies of instruction. Education will be successful if the teacher himself loves his native places, constantly replenishing his knowledge about them. One of the manifestations of patriotism is love for one's native nature. Acquaintance with the nature of the Arctic will allow: 1) develop students' interest in understanding the world around them, give children initial ideas about the globe; 2) acquaint students of the Murmansk region with the peculiarities of the natural conditions of the Arctic region; 3) enrich and activate a dictionary on the Arctic theme; 4) introduce and consolidate children's knowledge about the flora and fauna of the Arctic; 5) to teach schoolchildren to establish the cause-effect relationship between the habitat and the life of animals; 6) clarify children's knowledge about the natural phenomena of the Arctic; 7) develop thinking, memory, ability to inference; 8) educate curiosity, desire to know the world around us. Fulfillment of all the above tasks contributes to the development of children's patriotism, love of the Arctic native land, in particular, and to his country as a whole. Let's name the basic directions which can promote increase of efficiency of education of feeling of patriotism at pupils by means of a theme of Arctic regions. First, it is necessary to strengthen the educational emphasis in teaching social and humanitarian disciplines by enriching their scientific and ideological potential with information about the Arctic [Valieva, 2015]. It is important to include information of cultural-historical, military-patriotic, spiritual-moral orientation. For example, talking about the development of the Arctic region, it is worth mentioning the selfless work of domestic researchers, such as A. Chilingarov, M.P. Lazarev and others. Secondly, it is necessary to use purposefully the specific material of the regional component (the Arctic theme), which will encourage students to comprehend basic worldview problems related to the role of each person in history and society, the main trends and prospects of society, and the solution of global problems of the present. For example, with reference to the subject of the Arctic, Проблемы Арктического региона 130