XVI международная научная конференция студентов и аспирантов «Проблемы арктического региона», Мурманск, 16 мая 2017 года : труды конференции / [ред.: Черняков С. М., Шаповалова Ю. А.]. - Мурманск : Полиграфист, 2017. - 212 с.

ECOLOGY OF THE NORTH Belozerov A.A., Sevostyanov I.D., Zakharenko V.S. Bulavina A.S. Izyumova K.N., Dudnikova E.A. Kuznetsova A.V. Smirnova A.V. Chovgan O.V., Ryzhik I.V. The liquefied natural gas using in internal combustion engines Anthropogenic pollution of the rivers of the Barents Sea/White Sea Region Physical development of children of preschool age living in the North Shipment of coal by the open method, as a violation of the constitutional right of citizens Inclusions in Baltic amber as markers forecasting environmental events of the Far North Reactions of antioxidant system of Fucus vesiculosus on oil pollution ECONOMIC ISSUES IN THE ARCTIC REGION Allayarov R.A. Macroeconomic importance of the Arctic. Problems and prospects for the development of the Russian Arctic Antsiferova A.M. Toropova A.I., Bogdanova A.A. Structural shifts in the labour market of the Murmansk region Features of the regional policy of the Arctic countries (by the example of the USA, Alaska) AUTHOR INDEX 169 171 176 180 184 188 195 199 201 207 10