XVI международная научная конференция студентов и аспирантов «Проблемы арктического региона», Мурманск, 16 мая 2017 года : труды конференции / [ред.: Черняков С. М., Шаповалова Ю. А.]. - Мурманск : Полиграфист, 2017. - 212 с.
Shkurin F.G., Analysis of students' progress by the method of constructing a trend of 91 Lasareva I.M. deviations of points from the mean value in subjects MARINE BIOLOGY Grigorieva T.V., Yakovlev A.P. Krol E.N., Nekhaev I.O., Kravets P.P. Change of motor activity of the grey seal when exposed to artificial electromagnetic fields with frequency of 8 Hz Speciescomposition of the genius Anatoma in the Russian sector of the Arctic (Gastropoda: Vetigastroda: Scisurelioidea) 99 103 Kliacheturova K.S., Safonova A.V., Kravets P.P. Population characteristics of communities Mytilus edulis in Kandalaksha Inlet of the White Sea 106 Khacheturova K.S., Frolova E.A., Biyagov K.L., Kravets P.P. Polychaete communities in Kandalaksha Inlet and Onega Inlet of the White Sea 110 Chaus K.A., Zacharov D.V. Bivalvia settlements in eastern area of Kara Sea 115 Chaus S.A., Karamushko O.V. Some biological features of Gymnocanthus tricuspis in south-western area of Kara Sea 118 Chovgan O.V., Malavenda S.S. Interspecific relationships of algae Fucus distichus and Palmaria palmata 122 EDUCATION IN THE ARCTIC REGION The subject of the Arctic as a regional component in the civil-patriotic education of students in the Murmansk region Bagrov N. Menshikova A.V. The use of innovative educational technologies for formation of communicative UEA 129 132 Postevya M.A., Kryshtop V.A. Formation of control and self-assessment in biology classes for students in grades 5 and 6 136 PHYSICAL STUDIES Troshenkov V.E. The tandem of the sunspot groups AR2565 and AR2567 how one from the most outstanding events on the Sun in July 2016 141 Bychenkov P.A. Nikitenko A.S., Lebed O.M., Larchenko A.V., FedorenkoYu.V. Development of a shortened directional antenna of circular polarization 151 About excitation of Earth-ionosphere waveguide by magnetospheric 154 ELF/VLF emissions CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY Vlasov B.A., Evaluation of the influence of the pieces path in the irradiation zone on the 161 Pavlishina D.N., X-ray-luminescence separation results Shumilov P.A. 9
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