Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 40th annual seminar, Apatity, 13-17 March, 2017 / [ed. board: N. V. Semenova, A. G. Yahnin]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2017. - 143 с. : ил., табл.

*Physics o f Auroral Phenomena", Proc. XL Annual Seminar, Apatity, pp. 78-81, 2017 © Polar Geophysical Institute, 2017 © Polar Geophysical Institute ON SOLAR COSMIC RAY PROPAGATION IN THE INTERPLANETARY SPACE AND HIGHLY IONIZED IONS EMISSION I.M. Podgomy1and A.I. Podgomy2 1Institutefo r Astronomy RAS, Moscow, Russia, 2Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia Abstract. The cosmic rays discovery is the most revolutionary event of the modem physics. Rapid development of the nuclear physics takes plays. In dozens of books the possibility of particle acceleration in the space is considered. All these works are based on unproven assumptions, which have not been confirmed by long-term observations. The discovery o f solar cosmic rays and information, received from the worldwide network o f neutron monitors and from measurements on the GOES spacecrafts, allow to conclude that the source of solar cosmic rays (SCR) is a solar flare. The fundamentally important problem is arisen: can the mechanism o f acceleration of solar flare protons explain particle acceleration of the galactic cosmic rays. The photos o f the pre-flare state in the ultra violet (UV) spectral lines of the highly ionized irons FeXVIII, FeXXIII, and FeXXIV (SDO spacecraft) are observed during accumulation of the flare energy in the corona. The appearing of UV emission before the flare permits to predict flare appearing. The brightest pre-flare structure is demonstrated by emission o f the FeXVIII line. The local corona temperature increases by order of magnitude during the flare. The explosive increasing of spectral lies emission of FeXXIII, and FeXXIV during a flare takes place in the corona. The temperature of a flare is reached 20 MK. These phenomena are well described by the electrodynamical solar flare model built on the basis of the observational data and numerical MHD simulations using the initial and boundary conditions, taken from observations of active regions before a flare. Unfortunately, the new observational data on solar flares are now missing due to anomalously low solar activity in the current solar cycle. Introduction According to the electrodynamical solar flare model fl, 2] the magnetic energy accumulation for a flare and flare energy release take place in the solar corona above an active region. The active region of the Sun is the place of concentration o f magnetic field sources up to ~ 3000 G of the different polarity. A typical size of the active region is about Ю10 cm. The active regions and individual sunspots appear on the solar disk with the eleven year periodicity. The numbers of sunspots on the visible solar disk is used as a measure of solar activity. During the solar activity minimum no active regions are observed on the visible solar disk, and about -20 active regions can appear on the solar disk at the solar activity maximum. The solar activity is observed against the background of periodic changes of the global dipole magnetic field. The dipole magnetic field of about 1 Г changes o f its polarity at the each cycle. One of the most interesting features of the flare is solar cosmic rays generation. The century research of cosmic rays - protons and other nuclei, coming to the Earth from the depths o f the universe, did not lead to understanding o f the physics of acceleration detected particles. The most popular acceleration mechanisms are associated with shock waves. However, possible mechanisms of cosmic ray acceleration in the shock waves are only hypotheses. Numerous putative mechanisms of proton acceleration in the galaxy are based on these untested assumptions. Registration of proton with neutron monitors [3, 4] with energy - 20 GeV, which generated by a solar flare, gives us the hope to obtain the new information about the mechanism of generation o f galactic cosmic rays. It does not exclude the possibility of the same mechanism o f acceleration o f galactic and solar cosmic rays. A number of phenomena associated with the acceleration and transport to Earth of the particles accelerated in flares, become now available for observation. The paper [5] has analyzed measurements of protons with the energy o f - 100 MeV using GOES devices. The connection of the proton events with specific flares and specific active regions are demonstrated. The protons of solar cosmic rays are accelerated in the solar flare current sheet, and the characteristics of the pulses of high energy protons recorded on the Earth's orbit strongly depend on the interplanetary magnetic field [6,7]. In this paper we analyze the pictures of the pre-flare state of the active region and flares obtained by the American SDO spacecraft in the emissions of the spectral lines of highly ionized iron ions that permit to reveal some information about the mechanisms o f energy accumulation for flares and proton propagation to the Earth. The relationship between the spectral UV spectral lines of the high-ionized iron recorded by the SDO spacecraft and the electron temperature has been determined from Energy accumulation in the corona and its explosive release during a flare According to the electrodynamical flare model the magnetic energy accumulates in the corona over an active region at the temperature exceeding the corona temperature and then the accumulated energy quickly releases in the corona. The intense local heating of plasma over en active region takes place. Such scenario has been demonstrated by thermal 78