Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 40th annual seminar, Apatity, 13-17 March, 2017 / [ed. board: N. V. Semenova, A. G. Yahnin]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2017. - 143 с. : ил., табл.

As a whole, our work by new ground-based data holds the findings of paper [5], that when studying substorms during geomagnetic storms it is necessary to consider both: the solar wind-magnetosphere coupling and the ring current intensity, and that it is better to examine the influence of these factors not individually, but together. Conclusions • Substorms during the initial storm phase or at higher SYM/H values during the main storm phase can appear to North or South regarding the station zenith. Substorms during the main phase at SYM/H values lower than about -45 nT are observed to the South from Apatity (64.27°N CGM Lat.) and auroras expansion in North direction is seen. • Substorms during the near recovery phase originated mainly near the station zenith or to the South from Apatity, and auroras expansion to North was observed. • For substorms during the late recovery phase or under quiet conditions, auroras were observed near the station zenith or to the North of the Apatity station, and their motion from North to South was registered. • For substorms during a structured storm recovery phase or during “non-storm conditions with structures in the solar wind” auroras may occur first to the South or to the North from the station zenith. Thus, substorms at higher values of SYM/H index occur to the North from station zenith, and at smaller SYM/H values - to the South of it. The boundary between both types of substorms in terms of SYM/H index is in the range from ~-30 nT to about -55 nT. Acknow ledgments. We express our gratitude to Dr. B.V. Kozelov for the possibility of using the data o f the observational cameras in Apatity, the construction of keograms and the useful discussions. The paper was supported partly by Program No 7 of the of the Presidium of RAS. The study is also a part o f a joint Russian - Bulgarian Project 1.2.10 of PGI RAS and IKIT-BAS under the Fundamental Space Research Program between RAS and BAS. References 1. Hsu Т.-S., McPherron R.L. (2000) The characteristics ofstorm-time substorms and non-storm substorms. Proc. of Fifth International Conference on Substorms, 16-20 May, 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia. Edited by A. Wilson. ISBN: 92-9092-772-0., 439. 2. Tsurutani B.T., Gonzales W.D., Guamieri F., Kamide Y., Zhou X., Arballo J.K. 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