Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 40th annual seminar, Apatity, 13-17 March, 2017 / [ed. board: N. V. Semenova, A. G. Yahnin]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2017. - 143 с. : ил., табл.

Y.Y. Kulikov et al. spectra it is possible to obtain data on the vertical distribution of ozone in the atmosphere. The criterion of the accuracy of inverse problem solution is the best fit ozone spectral lines calculated by the retrieved profile of the Оз concentration to the original experimental spectrum. The error of estimating the vertical distribution of ozone on the measured spectra by above described device does not exceed 20 %. The results of observations and discussion Fig. 2 displays the variation in the ozone content measured over Peterhof from 1 January to 31 March 2016. In the top part of Fig. 2 continuous line shows the data on total ozone content (TOC), which were obtained onboard device OMI/Aura. The average value of the TOC for the entire observation period amounted to (339±5) DU. Figure 1 Figure 2 Maximum TOC 482 DU was marked on March 18. Rhombuses mark the values TOC which were measured at polar station Summit by ozonesonde. At the bottom of Fig. 2 gives the variations of the ozone content in the layer of 22 - 50 km according to the onboard device MLS/Aura х ^ ( 2 2 - 50) in DU (continuous line) and ozone content in the layer above 22 km, according to ground-based device x ^ IMW(> 22) in DU (crosses). The device MLS/Aura uses a limb method of measuring atmospheric parameters. We selected of ozone and temperature data, corresponding to the time span of the satellite over the Peterhof. For this purpose was chosen domain with coordinates (60±1.5)°N and (30±5)°E for Peterhof. Data X ^ MW correspond to the ozone profiles obtained from day and night ozone spectra. Systematic excess of ozone satellite data over ground-based data for the entire observation period amounted to the value of -*?“ / ~ (1.03+0.01). Well observed perturbations of ozone layer in the middle atmosphere, which began in the /x s r first decade o f February and lasted until the end of March. The first maximum appeared on February 14, the second - on March 14,2016. The ozone content values for these days were 184 DU and 203 DU, accordingly. The lowest ozone content 113 DU according to ground-based microwave sensing was observed on February 03. Consider the character o f the variability of ozone and temperature at selected heights middle atmosphere 25, 40 and 60 km above the Peterhof. In Fig. 3 shown the temporal variations of ozone concentration and temperature MLS/Aura data (thin continuous line) and SABER data (thick continuous line) at these altitudes in winter 2016. On the bottom of the figure shown the variations of ozone (filled circles) at a height of 25 km, according to ground-based microwave sensing and temperature according to the databases MLS/Aura and SABER. From satellite data minimum temperature (about 195 K) was obtained at the end of January which was observed during the first decade o f February. Next it was steady increase of temperature on the altitude of 25 km from 195 to 220 К until the end of March. Such a change of the thermal structure of the middle atmosphere shows the development of minor stratospheric warming, which were mentioned by us earlier over Apatity (67°N, 33°E) [7]. The development of the stratospheric warming over the Peterhof occurred under the classical scheme [ 8 ] from top to bottom. Experimental confirmation o f this scheme can be found in [ 8 , 10]. This fact is confirmed by detected changes of ozone and temperature at the altitude o f 40 km, which shifted in time relative to the data at an altitude 25 km (Fig. 3, mid panel). Noteworthy (Fig. 3) significant perturbation of ozone at levels of 40 km (mid panel) and 60 km (top panel), which began in middle of January 2016. 132