Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 40th annual seminar, Apatity, 13-17 March, 2017 / [ed. board: N. V. Semenova, A. G. Yahnin]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2017. - 143 с. : ил., табл.

“Physics of Auroral Phenomena”, Proc. XL Annual Seminar, Apatity, pp. 11-14, 2017 © Polar Geophysical Institute, 2017 Polar Geophysical Institute OBSERVATIONS OF SUBSTORMS IN APATITY BY MAIN CAMERAS SYSTEM DURING DIFFERENT SPACE WEATHER CONDITIONS I.V. Despirak1, V. Guineva2, R. Werner2 1Polar Geophysical Institute, Apatity, Russia, e-mail: 2Space Research and Technology Institute (SRTI), Stara Zagora Department, Bulgaria Abstract. We studied the auroras observations during different solar wind conditions by data of the MAIN cameras (Multiscale Aurora Imaging Network) obtained at Apatity (Kola Peninsula, Russia) for two winter seasons: 2014- 2015 and 2015-2016. Solar wind and IMF parameters were taken from the OMNI data base. Observations o f aurora were conducted in Apatity, magnetic field disturbances were verified by the data of IMAGE magnetometers. All substorms were divided into different groups depending on the space weather conditions. First, the substorms were separated into two groups: substorms observed during storms and substorms under non-storm conditions. The substorms during storms were divided in sub-groups according to observations during different storm phases: initial, main, near and late recovery phases. We considered also specific space weather conditions, when the SYM/H index behavior was highly irregular, we called these conditions “structured recovery phase” of the storm. The non-storm conditions were classified as quiet conditions, when no structures in the solar wind were observed, and as conditions when structures in the solar wind near the Earth were detected, but these structures did not provoke geomagnetic storms. It was shown that the latitude of the substorm onset was controlled by the value of the SYM/H index. It was found out also that the maximal relative intensity of auroras was greater for substorms with onset to the South from Apatity and smaller - for substorms with onset in zenith or to the North from Apatity. Introduction Many researchers turned to the problem of studying substorms during geomagnetic storms (e.g. [1]; [2]; [3]; [4]; [5]; [6]; t^]; [8]; [9]). This problem was considered from various angles, using both satellite data (IMAGE, POLAR and others) and ground-based data (IMAGE magnetometers data, AL, AU indexes, data of auroras). It is known that by substorms investigations, it is important to consider whether they were observed during storms or in non-storm periods, and during what phase of the storm they were observed. Typically, initial, main and recovery phases of the storm are specified, while the storm recovery phase is divided into ‘near” and “late”, into “rapid” and “recovery” (e.g. [10]). Throughout this paper we will use the terms “near” and “late” recovery phase. It should be noted that many observations indicate also that there arc more complicated storm cases, when the magnetic storms are caused by several sources in the solar wind, coming consecutively one after another or partly overlapping, and the storm recovery phase can be of very complicated form ([11]; [12]; [13]; [14]). We will call such storms “storms with structured recovery phase”. It has to be stressed that in this work we don’t examine the classification of storms by their sources (e.g. CIR-storms, Sheath-, MC- or Ejecta-storms), we confine ourselves just to the examination of storm and non­ storm conditions. In more detail, the quantitative categorization of storm phases is given in the section “Data and methods of analysis”. In this work we will consider auroras observations in Apatity using measurements of the camera system MAIN. Apatity is settled at auroral latitudes, its geographic coordinates are 67.58°N, 33.31°E, and the corrected geomagnetic ones - 63.86°N, 112.9°E. As follows from the dynamics of the auroral oval at auroral latitudes different substorm development can be observed. The auroras expansion, registered in Apatity, can consist in movement along different directions according to the location of substorm onset with respect to the location of the observational station (propagation from North to South, from South to North and other directions). The goal of this work is to review substorm developments during different space weather conditions using measurements of the camera system MAIN in Apatity during two winter seasons: 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. Data a) Data used Measurements from the MAIN in Apatity during 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 seasons have been used. The cameras observational system comprises 4 cameras with different fields of view providing simultaneous observations from spatially separated points ([15]). To study the substorm development data from the Apatity all-sky camera and the Guppy F-044C (GC) camera with field of view -67° were used. In the all-sky images the central column corresponds to the North-South latitudinal cross section of the auroral zone. These columns from each image within 1-hour interval have been used to construct an all-sky keogram. The GC keograms were built in direction magnetic North (up). Solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field parameters were taken from the OMNI data base of the CDAWeb. We determined the types of solar wind that can be the drivers of ionospheric disturbances, namely shock waves (IS), 11