Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 40th annual seminar, Apatity, 13-17 March, 2017 / [ed. board: N. V. Semenova, A. G. Yahnin]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2017. - 143 с. : ил., табл.

Multi-colorphotometry oftwilight sky background using RGB all-sky cameras distribution width. The results of RGB-photometry are close to the satellite values again, however, twilight profile is smoothed due to the thickness of effective scattering layer during the twilight. Mean radius, r, microns Figure 6 . Vertical profiles o f mean particle radius, 1 - this work, the same twilight as in Figs. 4-5, 2 - [Bourassa et al., 2008]. Methods of aerosol microphysical study described here are planned to be used during continuous all-sky survey by color cameras in different locations. Acknow ledgements. The work is supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant No. 16-05-00170-a. References Beig, G., et al. Review of Mesospheric Temperature Trends // Rev. Geophys. 41(4), 1015-1055, 2003. Bourassa, A.E., Degenstein, D.A., Llewellyn, E.J. Retrieval of stratospheric aerosol size information from OSIRIS limb scattered sunlight spectra // Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 8 , 4001-4016, 2008. Hunten, D.M., Turco, R.P., Toon O.B. Smoke and Dust Particles of Meteoric Origin in the Mesosphere and Stratosphere / / J. Atmos. Sci. 37, 1342-1357,1980. Junge, C.E., Changnon, C.W., Manson, J.E. Stratospheric aerosols // J. Meteorol, 18, 81-108, 1961. Rosen, J. M. The boiling point of stratospheric aerosols // J. Appl. Meteorol., 10,1044-1046, 1971. Solomon, S., Daniel, J.S., Neely, R.R. III, Vernier, J.-P., Dutton, E.G., Thomason, L.W. The persistently variable "background" stratospheric aerosol layer and global climate change // Science, 333, 866-870, 2011. Ugolnikov, O.S. Twilight Sky Photometry and Polarimetry: The Problem of Multiple Scattering at the Twilight Time //Cosmic Research. 37, 159-166, 1999. Ugolnikov O.S., Maslov I.A. Summer mesosphere temperature distribution from wide-angle polarization measurements of the twilight sky// Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 105-106, 8 , 2013. Ugolnikov, O.S., Maslov, I.A. Mesosphere light scattering depolarization during the Perseids activity epoch by wide- angle polarization camera measurements // Plan. Space Sci. 92, 117-120, 2014. Ugolnikov O.S., Maslov I.A., Kozelov B.V., Dlugach J.M. Noctilucent Clouds Polarimetry: Twilight Measurements in a Wide Range of Scattering Angles // Planetary and Space Science, 125, 105-113, 2016a. Ugolnikov O.S., Maslov I.A., Kozelov B.V., Kirillov V.l. Middle and Upper Atmosphere of Earth: Cold Layers and High Clouds // “Physics of Auroral Phenomena”, Proc. XXXIX Annual Seminar, Apatity, 142-145, 2016b. Ugolnikov O.S., Galkin A.A., Pilgaev S.V., Roldugin A.V. Noctilucent Cloud Particle Size Determination based on Multi-Wavelength All-Sky Analysis// J. Geophys. Res., 2017 (in press), e-print Ugolnikov O.S., Maslov I.A. Background Stratospheric Aerosol Investigations Using Multi-Color Wide-Field Measurements of the Twilight Sky // Cosmic Research, 2017 (in press), e-print Von Savigny, C., Burrows, J.P. Latitudinal variation of NLC particle radii derived from northern hemisphere SCIAMACHY/Envisat limb measurements // Adv. Space Res. 40, 765-771, 2007. Witt, G. The nature of noctilucent clouds // Space Research IX, 157-169, 1969. 119