Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 40th annual seminar, Apatity, 13-17 March, 2017 / [ed. board: N. V. Semenova, A. G. Yahnin]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2017. - 143 с. : ил., табл.

slow magneto-hydrodynamic one [Chernogor, 2011, 2014; Tereshchenko, 2014]. Extraordinary wave amplitude has good agreement with the changing of the D component. Siberian meteors: Ionospheric and geomagnetic effects in the lower ionosphere o f high latitudes и - В 1 j 2 I 0 1л \ I j Jv\ \ / „ Y V Г К л i Ц J 0 f t V ’ v i ■j ; W \ J 0 i. i,._ ,V .: v- ; 0 W v 1 i\r А V \ 0 0 1» 1 1 S- 1 1.4 11.6 11.8 12 12.2 12.4 12.6 UT, hour Figure 5. IMAGE electrojet indicators during the first quite period (I) of the geomagnetic field {left)-, during the second quite period (П) of the geomagnetic field (right). 11.4 190 , 180- : 170 11.6 11.8 12 12.2 12.4 2: Л . : 1 i/u. . _ ____ 1 t - m ! - ; с “ i% 1IS *12 12.2 12.4 12.6 |й . HI . hour 3 / ' V a a . j UT.I hhit Figure 6 . Extraordinary wave amplitude (upper) and D component (the Lovozero observatory) (lower) for the Ist site (left): the IInd site (right). Summary. Influence of the Siberian meteors explosions on the lower ionosphere and the geomagnetic field were considered. The events were during substorms at the place of observation. Nevertheless it was shown that the explosions of the meteors caused changes in the ionosphere and the geomagnetic field, as well as the appearance of waves o f various types: internal gravity waves and slow magneto-hydrodynamic waves. Acknow ledgements. We thank the institutes who maintain the IMAGE Magnetometer Array. References Chemogor L.F. Oscillations of the geomagnetic field caused by the flight of Vitimbolide on September 24,2002 // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. V. 51 (1). P. 116-130. 2011. Chemogor L.F. Geomagnetic field effects ofthe Chelyabinskmeteoroid // Geomagnetism andAeronomy. V. 54 (5). P. 613-624.2014. SorokinV.M., Fedorovich G.V. Physics of slowMHD-waves in the ionospheric plasma. М.: Energoizdat. 135 p. 1982. (in Russian) Tereshchenko V.D., Tereshchenko V.A., Ogloblina O.F., Chemiakov S.M. The wave disturbances caused by the flight and the explosion ofthe Kolameteorite on 19.4.2014 in the lower ionosphere ofthe Earth // Proc. XXIXAll-Russian symposium “Radar research of environment”, 25-26 March 2015, Saint-Petersburg, Russia/Ed. M.M. Penkov, SPb: VKA. Is. 11. P. 648-654.2015. (in Russian) Tereshchenko V.D., Vasiljev E.B., OvchinnikovN.A., Popov A.A. Mediumwave radar ofPolar Geophysical Institute for research of the lower ionosphere. Technical equipment and techniques of geophysical experiment. Apatity: KSC RAS, PGI. P. 37-46. 2003. (in Russian) Tereshchenko V.D., Vasiljev E.B., Tereshchenko V.A., Ogloblina O.F., Chemiakov S.M. Wave disturbances in the lower polar ionosphere during the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite // Physics of Auroral Phenomena, Proc. XXXVII Annual Seminar, Apatity, Russia, 25-28 February 2014. Apatity: KSC RAS, PGI. P. 104-107. 2014. Ifi ЛХ. mV 107