Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 40th annual seminar, Apatity, 13-17 March, 2017 / [ed. board: N. V. Semenova, A. G. Yahnin]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2017. - 143 с. : ил., табл.

S.M. Chemiakov et al 3 1 5 6 7 8 3 A 5 6 1 S IT , hour Figure 3. IMAGE electrojet indicators during the quite period of the geomagnetic field (top). Ordinary wave amplitude at the height o f 100 km and its wavelet spectrum (bottom). D component of the geomagnetic field (the Lovozero observatory) and its wavelet spectrum (lower). 4. Sayanogorsk meteor. According to the operational headquarters of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations in Sayanogorsk, the meteor has exploded at 11:37 UT, 6 December 2016, in the region (52.9°N, 91.4°E). The flare from the fall of the meteor was such a force that it was seen by the residents of the capital of Khakassia (Abakan), which is 80 kilometers from Sayanogorsk. 4.1. Geomagnetic conditions and ionospheric effects. Geomagnetic conditions before the meteor explosion were not disturbed, but just after the explosion there was a substorm. On the Fig. 4 it is shown behavior of IMAGE electrojet indicators. The first quite geomagnetic period is shown by the letter I, the second - II. Variations of the geomagnetic field at the Lovozero observatory are very similar to IMAGE electrojet indicators. On the Fig. 5 the periods are shown more detailed. On the Fig. 5 (left) it can be chosen two coming waves. The arrival velocity of the first wave (1) to the Lovozero observatory is approximately 6.8 km/s, the second one ( 2 ) is 1.9 km/s. According to [Chemogor, 2011, 2014], such kind of perturbations in the geomagnetic field can be caused by slow MHD waves propagating at this speed. On the Fig. 5 (right) behavior the IMAGE electrojet indicators during the second quite period (II) of the geomagnetic field. There can be seen two different areas in behavior of the IMAGE electrojet indicators. The first picture (section 3) has an N-like one, the second picture (section 4) has wave-like one. On the Fig. 6 (left) extraordinary waves amplitude (upper) and D component (the Lovozero observatory) (lower) for the 1st site and (right) for the Ilnd site are shown. If we suggest that changes in the D component of the geomagnetic field is the manifestation of the coming disturbances from the meteor explosion so the velocities o f the disturbances are: V 3 * 183 m/s, V 4 = 160 m/s. The 3rdwave can be caused by the internal gravity wave, and the 4® wave - by the 106 Figure 4. IMAGE electrojet indicators on 6 December 2016.