Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 40th annual seminar, Apatity, 13-17 March, 2017 / [ed. board: N. V. Semenova, A. G. Yahnin]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2017. - 143 с. : ил., табл.

V.B. Belakhovsky et al. j - ч "s j tai. 0 , 7 а.з xj / I У ■':■■■' поиЛ -i.t'i ~ 1 ....... . ........ . ........ . ............ .... - | 0 .Й 1 Г' ' :: ■ ■ \ > HAUK, .-v-.7/ / i i d - - J J 4 v < J - Г " Л f< иш, 71 ж • r ~ ' V - : W 1 ,У.*. ................ . . , :i f .....................................A ..................... ......■............................■■■................... i !ЛЛГ ' T\ 1 FCUV. 68,3 j \ л I I M h ;• 7 ; V : X: N0H' |. f C a O , 6 8 . У j \ .1 1* r / • 7 '■ v ' v — — -J У V ' I Ш . g e . o J 1 I. ^ \ ; '■ -M,... \ .... -v' .'v I : : : r л / 4 ......- \ . Л-/ ! e e l .. -.V, I I’Sf' ' ' ' К , I IS U .B 3M j \ 5 : ■ : .. V ; s(W. l.toOL ------ (.520? PINA. 59.9 }\ 1 ’ I Z t - f/- : ! j,\ « № , 6 0 . 9 , 9 1518.1’--------- -—' jл , , , .. a ■■■ ^ 1 г I ; •V \A ; , s,0f - ■ ! ::№b r a s m L ■ ' a > ,, ла АЛЛ--' f . j f ^ V v u 4 v " " ] 1 <В 0 Г Г Г Г — У . ,80*! TURF, 57.8 jf............ .......... ......... " j ! ? f : . : ^ i; Л/ V \ A <*•«> F ' i . m e | --------■-------- 1 | - А л , ” i/\ лл Д/--П ' y 1 .ЛВ 8 . VW/4ArvN M .eo i s .00 ) .б.го t*i O.HOj<;.>00.VIJor?j0.7ftI0750.81j0 W I0ВЭО.Я80.Я7 t.Ofil \ «И t.03 10У1 i h | i I;> [ NO i{ \'f j p i M0 114I!;i] 1 ZW-) | i m t j \ -4W | !.ДгШ 1lir~' iпае!Г;; 1 .U84 i 1i.;mo^ i,:»7в | У .. : . . ___________ - ■. . , „ „ , J Л ........ .................... ..............■ - I / (, ,, , Г./s-./» : V : ■; л / 4' ^ " ■ - 'I 1/'; a A'V’\A Ч / “ I i .. J ■^K A/-; Г- ^.y?’ I • • : 15.10 1ЙЭ0 UT Figure 2. The magnetograms (X-eomponent in 10 4 nT) Figure 3. The magnetometer data (X-component in 10 4 of the latitudinal profile o f stations TALO-RANK- nT) along the latitudinal profile HOR-BJN-NOR-TRO- FCHU-GILL-1SLL-PINA-THRF from the CARISMA SOD-OUL-HAN from the IMAGE array, array, red line shows variations of riometric absorption at RANK. Figure 4. vTEC data from GPS satellites with a>45° in Scandinavian sector from the KIRU GPS receiver, bottom panel shows magnetic variations from station KIR (X- component). vTEC data from GPS satellites with a>45° in Canadian sector from the CHUR GPS receiver, bottom panel shows magnetic variations from station FCHU (X- component). Figure 5. Ionospheric and geomagnetic observations during Jan. 24, 2012, 1430-1530 UT (from top to bottom): altitude distribution o f electron density Ne variations measured by EISCAT; variations o f Ne at altitude z=--121 km; magnetic field variations (X- component) at TRO and riometer variations at IVA. 102