Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 39th annual seminar, Apatity, 29 February-4 March, 2016 / [ed. board: N. V. Semenova, A. G. Yahnin]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2016. - 167 с. : ил., табл.

Ionospheric effects during the total solar eclipse at high latitudes collection. It is located at the observatory "Tumanny" (69.0N, 35.7E) in the Murmansk region. Key parameters of the partial reflections facility and the technique of signals processing are specified in the work [Tereshchenko et al., 2003]. Technical characteristics of the radar: working frequencies - 2.60-2.72 MHz; transmitter power in an impulse - about 60 kW; impulse duration - 15 microsec; sounding frequency - 2 Hz. The phase array consists of 38 couples of crossed dipoles, occupies the space of 105 n r and has directional pattern width on the level of half power about 20°. Two circular polarizations are taken alternately which amplify by the direct amplification receiver with the band of 40 kHz. Registration of amplitudes of signals can be done in the range of heights of 30-240 km. A height step of data records is 0.5-n, where n - 1,2, ... . The solar eclipse on March 20, 2015 at the observatory “Tumanny” was partial one with phase maximum of the eclipse 0.855 which took place at Tm=10;20;06 UT. The sun height over the horizon at the time of the greatest phase of the eclipse was h = 20.5°. The eclipse has begun at T1 = 9:15:48 UT. The end of the eclipse was at T4 = 11:23:58 UT [Astronomical year-book, 2014]. At the beginning of March, 2015 on the Sun there were several powerful X-ray flares. As a result of the processes happening on the Sun the magnetic storm has begun on the Earth on March 17, 2015. After March 17 the magnetic field of the Earth has begun to calm down. Variations of the geomagnetic field according to the data of the geophysical observatory "Loparskaya" of the Polar Geophysical Institute (68.63N, 33.28E) in the day of the eclipse on March 20, 2015 and in the control day on March 19, 2015 are given in Fig. 1 [PGI Geophysical data, 2015]. The geomagnetic situation at the period of the eclipse was weakly disturbed one (Kp = 5 - 3 5 - 3 3-2+ 3+ 4+, £=28). 400 uT 20 March 2015 3 6 Time. UT Figure 1. Geomagnetic field variations in the observatory "Loparskaya" For separation of periodic signals in the considered data the digital bandpass elliptic filter (Kauer's filter) of the package of application programs of the MATLAB programming language was used. Feature of this elliptic filter is a steep decline in the amplitude characteristic. The bandpass elliptic filter is described by the following parameters: the size of pulsations of the amplitude-frequency characteristic (AFC) in a bandwidth, Rp, dB; the size of suppression of a signal in the rejection band, Rs, dB; an order of the filter, N; the cut-off frequency, fp. In the case of the bandpass filter the fp parameter is described by two frequencies of fpl and fp2 and the filter makes a signal filtration in the bandwidth from fpl to fp2. We used the following parameters of the bandpass elliptic filter: N = 8, Rs = 40 and Rp = 0.1. The cut-off frequencies were set at the each case of calculation. For the analysis of spectral components of data it was used the Morlet wavelet. 3. Results of observations In Fig. 2 the behavior of amplitudes of ordinary and extraordinary waves and the electron concentration in the period of the March 20, 2015 eclipse is shown: in Fig. 2, a, b - amplitudes of ordinary (Ao) and extraordinary {Ax) waves, in Fig. 2, с - the electron concentration ( Ne ). The continuous line in the bottom of drawings has put eclipse time. dB ______________20.03.2015 20 lg(Ax \ dB 20.03.2015 20 Ig (N e ), cm-3 9 10 11 UT 12 8 9 10 11 UT 12 8 9 10 11 UT 12 Figure 2, a -с. Amplitudes of ordinary (a), extraordinary (b) waves and the electron concentration (c) Amplitudes of ordinary and extraordinary waves during the eclipse have experienced essential change at all heights. Heights of reflection have risen by 20-25 km, and amplitude has increased by 25-30 dB. The height of the electron concentration maximum has risen by 20-25 km. In the electron concentration and amplitudes of waves wave manifestations are noticeable. In Fig. 3 the profiles of the electron concentration (PEC) in the control day on March 19, 2015 (at the left) and during the eclipse on March 20, 2015 (on the right) are shown. The first profile (09:15 UT) shows PEC before the eclipse. The second PEC (10:04 UT) is drawn in fifty minutes after the beginning of the eclipse and fourteen minutes prior to the eclipse maximum. It shows reduction of the electron concentration at all heights, but the greatest change 93