Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 39th annual seminar, Apatity, 29 February-4 March, 2016 / [ed. board: N. V. Semenova, A. G. Yahnin]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2016. - 167 с. : ил., табл.

Fine structure of the interplanetary shocks observed by BMSW experiment onboard the SPEKTR-R £ , ТИЕ1 ►20 08.0 8 2011 sz kCt ' -2C C5EX.TT -J , ТН1Ы s \ S У WIND лее -WIND (MFI instrument - Magnetic Fields Investigation; 3DP instrument - Three- Dimensional Plasma Analyzer) -ACE (MFI instrument) -THEMIS-B (Pl/ARTEMIS-Pl) (FGM instrument - Flux Gate Magnetometer) -THEMIS-C (P2/ARTEMIS-P2) (FGM instrument) -CLUSTER 1 - 4 (instrument) 0 IOC 150 £00 250 *("•) 01.11.2011 -sc 50 100 150 X (F.t) 100 150 ?(№ 258 300 X|Rc) 50 100 1И 200 250 390 X (Re) 2 3.0 4-2 01 2 3. Example of IP shock On the 9th September, 2011 five satellites - WIND, ACE, THEMIS-B. THEMIS-C and SPEKTR-R were simultaneously in the solar wind and consistently recorded the passage of an interplanetary shock wave. The position of satellites in space, in the interval 11:30 - 13:30 UT. shown on Fig. 1. Using the location of the satellites and the time delay between the registrations of the IP wave, the orientation of the normal to the IP front was determined: n = (-0.916; 0.12; 0.38). Its projection on the planes X-Y and X-Z are also shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 illustrates the behavior of velocity and temperature of protons, the concentration of ions. Similarly, Fig. 3 illustrates the behavior of components of the magnetic field vector, simultaneously measured on different satellites from 11:30 to 13:20 UT. IP shock was registered at 11:45:37 on the WIND and at 12:41:16 on the SPEKTR-R. There was a sharp increase of all solar wind parameters at the time of shock passage. Solar wind speed rose up on 35-40 km/s. The temperature of protons increased by 2 times after the passage of the wave. The ion concentration also increased by 2 times. Angle 9Bn was about 26°, according to that the interplanetary shock was determined as quasiparallel. Magnetosonic Mach number Mms was about 2.3, which corresponds to a supersonic wave. The ratio of thermal to magnetic pressure p > 10. CLUSTTЙ t-4 CCBSTF-? 120 150 ao: X (Re) Figure 1. The satellites position on 09.09.2011, the front normal projection on Y(X) and Z(X) planes. GSE coordinate SPEKTR-R BMSW THEMIS-B FGM , „ IV-. £ 0 m -1 5 - -30 1140 12 CO 12:20 ’ 2 40 13.00 13 20 mil 30 ^ 11:40 1200 12:20 12.40 13 00 13 20 1 5 - 11:40 12:00 2 0 -j 11 40 12 00 12:20 12:40 13:00 13 20 1 0 - Time (UT) 1250 12:40 Time (UT) 13:00 13:20 Figure 2. Plasma parameters: velocity and temperature of protons, the concentration of ions (09.09.2011 11:30- 13:20 UT). Figure 3. Magnetic field vector parameters (09.09.2011 11:30-13:20 UT). 71