Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 39th annual seminar, Apatity, 29 February-4 March, 2016 / [ed. board: N. V. Semenova, A. G. Yahnin]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2016. - 167 с. : ил., табл.

I.M. Podgomy and A.I. Podgomy different for the western and eastern flares. The decay of over several days of the proton flux corresponds to the propagation time longer then of the time of solar wind moving from the Sun to the Earth. This means that diffusion along and across the magnetic field lines plays the main role in decaying parts of the proton flux. Turbulent diffusion should promote protons moving across the magnetic field lines. However, the proton flux from the eastern flares does not always achieve GOES apparatus. It is not always occurs quite effective the strong turbulence development. The flux of protons from the eastern flares is recorded much less frequently than from the western flares. Conclusion The scheme of the main sequence of effects o f proton events is shown in Fig. 6. 1. The typical duration of accelerated protons gene-ration (ten minutes) determined from the gamma ray pulses does not exceed the flare duration. 2. The time of arrival of the front of proton flux from the western flare (about fifteen minutes) is determined by the velocity of the accelerated particles and the magnetic field lines length, connecting the flare and the registrar in the Earth orbit. 3. Collisionless flux o f protons along the helical magnetic field lines carries information about the spectrum of flare protons, which, according to neutron monitors is exponential one. 4. Collisionless flux should cause a beam instability, the flux becomes diffuse due to scattering by the fluctuations. The propagation speed of the protons along the magnetic field lines is reduced. 5. The typical duration of the accelerated proton flux on the Earth's orbit is equal to the propagation time of the solar wind from the solar corona tsw = 1AU/Vsw ~ 3 days. Most retarded protons are captured by the magnetic field of the solar wind. They drift across the Earth magnetic field with the solar wind velocity. 6. The front of the proton flux from the eastern flares is never steep. The arrival of a gentle (one day long) front of associated protons flow from the eastern flare to the Earth's orbit through 3 - 5 hours is faster then the solar wind. This can be related to the diffusion of protons across the field lines due to the scattering by the fluctuations. The fluctuations can be generated due to beam instability. A cknow ledgm en ts. Authors are greatly thankful to the GOES team for possibility to use the valuable data from the site R e fe re nce s 1. Hurford, G.R., Schwariz, R.A., Krucker, S., Lin. R. P., Smith. D. М.. and Vilmer, N. Astrophys. J. 595, L77 (2003) 2. Podgomy, A.I. and Podgomy, I.M. Geomagn. Aeron. 5 2 , 150 (2012a). 3. Podgomy, A.I. and Podgomy, I.M. Geomagn. Aeron. 52, 162 (2012b). 4. Berezhko. E.G. and Krymsky, G.F. Usp. Fiz. Nauk. 154,49 (1988). 5. Reams, D.V. Space Sci. Rev. 90, 413 (1999). 6. Sokolov, I.V., Roussev, I.I., Gombosi, T.I., Lee. M.A., Kota, J„ Foibes, T.G.. Manchester, W.B., and Sakai J I AnJ 616 I 171 СХШ\ 7. Tylka A.J., Cohen C.M.S., Dietrich W.F. at al. ApJ. 625, 474 (2005) ■ ^ uu^ ' 8. Tulupov V.I., Grigorenko E.E., Vlasova N.A., and Lyubimov G.P. Cosmic Research. 50, 397 (2012) 9. Balabin Yu.V., Vashenuk E.M., Podgomy A.I.. and Podgomy I.M. Astron. Reports. 49, 837 (2005) 10. Podgomy I.М., Balabin, Yu.V. Podgomy A.I.. and Vashenyuk E.V. JASTP. 72, 988 (2010a). 11. Podgomy I.М., Balabin Yu.V., Vashenuk E.M., and Podgomy A.I. Astron. Reports. 54, 645. (2010b) 12. Lukjanov S. Ju. and Podgorny I.M. Atomhaja Energija (In Russion) 1. №3, 97. (1958). 13. Artsimovich L.A.Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions. Gordon and Breach. New York. (1964) 14. Bilenko I.A., Podgomy A. I., Podgomy I. M. Solar Phys. 207. 323 (2002). 15. Istomin Ya. N. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 408,1307 (2010). Figure 4. Proton pulses with very steep front arrived from western limb flare and from the flare appeared near Sun center flare. The proton flux from the central AR S12W08 flare increases not so fast. 64