Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 39th annual seminar, Apatity, 29 February-4 March, 2016 / [ed. board: N. V. Semenova, A. G. Yahnin]. - Апатиты : Издательство Кольского научного центра РАН, 2016. - 167 с. : ил., табл.

I.M. Podgorny and A.I. Podgorny registration of solar cosmic rays pulses. One of the main characteristics of solar cosmic rays is a significant difference in the duration o f the proton fluxes ejection from the flare current sheet and duration of proton flux registration by the GOES devices on the Earth's orbit. The proton emission from the coronal source produces the gamma-ray radiation, caused by nuclear reactions in the Sun. The proton emission duration can be estimated from the duration of gamma-ray pulses. The gamma-ray radiation lasts about 10 minutes (Fig. 3) [22], which does not exceed the duration of the flare pulses determined from the thermal X-ray. At the same time the duration of the pulse of high energy protons detected on Earth orbit is in the ranges from one to several days [16-19, 21]. The typical pulse duration is about three days. << о о оэ тг о \h О in to со со О!Ш О О О О Е Ю ’ 2J°u°n3 1 M 6.8 X -ray ! : A R 1 0 3 8 6 ||, S 08 E 56 = GOES11 I Proton flux • H m nil hi 1*1 1 ill 18 2 0 U T Figure 2. The flare X-ray and proton emission from GOES measurements. Proton flux is measured in three energy ranges (W> 10,> 50 and> 100 MeV) from the flares appeared in West side of the solar disk (above) and in the East side (below). As it follows from Fig. 2, the proton pulse fronts from the western and eastern flares exhibit significantly different patterns. Proton flux from western flares has a steep front with duration not exceeding 20-30 min. The particle registration begins at 10-20 min after the start in the western solar flare. Low delay o f western flare can be determined only by the flight of time without collisions to Earth at protons moving along magnetic field lines of the Archimedean spiral. For the whole energy range recorded by the GOES, the proton moving takes place with the small Larmor radius. Low plasma concentration in the solar wind provides collision-free flow o f protons in the energy range that registered by the GOES. The Coulomb cross section is CT~5xl013AV[eV]2. Collisionless proton flight does not distort the particle spectrum. The exponential spectrum registered by neutron monitors at the front of proton flux (fast component) from the western flare coincides with the spectrum calculated for proton acceleration along a singular magnetic field lines in the current sheet [9, 10]. Protons from the western flares, moving without collisions along the magnetic field lines, should to leave quickly the interplanetary space and go beyond Earth orbit, but they GOES apparatus registration lasts for several days. Collisionless propagation takes place only in the flux front during 20-30 minutes. Protons of the western flares move in the interplanetary plasma according to the laws of particle of motion in vacuum only at initial time (prompt component on the front of proton flux). However, after a short period of time, it seems to begin to play the role of plasma processes that develops beam instability [15], and scattering of protons in turbulent plasma causes the proton diffusion in the plasma. 62